chapter five

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Chapter five

“Miranda, it’s nice to see you again

 I entered the office slowly and closed the door; he didn’t look surprised as his voice implied. He looked up from the computer screen as I walked closer to him till I reached behind his desk. His eyes widened at my surprised daring audacity.

 “So what’s it going to be?” he asked running his hand through his hair. He looked so pale.

 I stood directly in front of him and smirked. “Is this what you wanted to use to scare me?” god I shouldn’t be doing this. I wanted to drop the paper bag on the table and run out of here before he seduced me with his intense gaze, but that would make me a coward like he said yesterday, I wanted to prove him wrong.

 “What would be your choice, Miss Young? I don’t have all day.” He snapped and I winced slightly as I shifted my weight from one foot to another. “What if I decide to sign your twisted contract?”

 He laughed but it was humorless much like a scornful chuckle. “Twisted contract? It’s your choice and not mine. I only gave you the reason why you should avoid me.”

 I took a deep breath. “I will sign it sir, I’m not a coward like you think. I will sign it on two conditions.”

 He stood up immediately in all his glory and I drank lustfully in his sight; jeez he would crush a woman in bed. He came to stand in front of me and I pushed my chest out involuntarily, without touching I was craving for his touch and he smiled sweetly as he stood facing me. He touched my naked arm with cold fingers and I shivered. His fingers were ice cold and then he shook me violently.

 “Snap of it Miranda, beneath this body I’m a beast, a monster and god help me if you sign the contract I might crush you. I don’t want to hurt you, can’t you see that I need to keep you safe and away from me.”

 “You want me Blake. Don’t you?”

 He released me and took two steps back. “Yes. Badly, I want to screw you so hard and it’s taking all my self control not to take you here and now.”

 I nearly swooned at those words; he wanted me badly like he said. He pushed the chair away and grabbed me by my waist pulling me closer to him and I felt the growing erection in his pants, as he cupped my face in his hands. He is making me so horny I couldn’t think straight.

 “You have to put the papers down and walk out of here and I swear not to bother you again.” He said softly against my ear barely audible. I blinked twice finding it hard to overcome the rush of joy that overwhelmed me.

 “No, I’m going to sign it, if you promise to give me a job here and pay me six million bucks at the end of six months.”

 He released me again and smiled, this time he meant it. “So, all this is about the money?”

 “I’m just proving you wrong. I’m not a coward like you think and you can’t crush me.”  Even though I I was scared of out my head I wanted to prove tough like he did.

 “Very well, you would have what you want princess.” He gave me a silver case pen and I signed hastily grinning like an idiot. I looked up to see him frowning.

  “You surprised me, Miss Young.”

 “I’m full of surprises.” I said softly and gave him the signed document and he nodded.

 “Do you have a boyfriend?”

 Whoa.! I wasn’t expecting that question now, ofcourse what nineteen year old wouldn't  “Yeah,”

 “It’s a pity I would have to take you away from him for the next six months, because Miranda you have just agreed to be my submissive.” He said smiling whole heartedly

 I really wanted to kiss his red lips now and feel them move against mine as he said those sexually charged words. How can he use the word ‘screw’? He didn’t seem rough or vulgar. He looked formal and smart” Are you going to kiss me?” I asked closing the distance between us.

 “I don’t kiss my submissive; I told you that I screw them hard. Oh Miranda, you don’t know what a monster I can be in bed.”

 I blushed and squirmed under his gaze as he stroked his chin.  “I can’t wait to have you my bed Miranda; tonight I’m taking you on a date.”

 “You can go home now, miss young. I will pick you up at six thirtytonight. My driver would take you home.” He went from making me horny and needy to being cold as his attention went back to the apple iMac computer   in front of him.

 I shouldn’t be doing this, it’s so wrong but yet it made me feel so good like I was shedding a part of me that have been forbidden and untouched. In the elevator I played the scene all over my mind. My brother would be so disappointed. Of course he wouldn’t tell mum because if he did, he would not only shatter my heart, but mum’s heart.

  In the next six months I would be six million richer. It was a dream come true for me, but as I stepped out of the multi-billion dollar headquarters and approached my brothers waiting car. I held my breath and prayed for his understanding. I thought of what to say to him to convince him that I’m an adult now and I’m making my own decisions. I needed the money and I wanted the guy badly so I signed his twisted proposal.

 please tell me what you think and be nice in your review ortherwise vote. pplease.

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