chapter one

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Chapter one

The air in the restaurant where I worked was thick with feelings and emotions that made me regret coming to work on Valentine's Day, but as I took the last order for my shift, I let out a sign of relief. It seemed everyone was caught up in the valentine mood of flowers, cute kisses and bleeding hearts; all I wanted to do now is to cuddle under my covers and relax. I couldn't wait to get home and find out the reason why Jake my long time boyfriend refused to reply any of my messages.

I was looking for something to get the lovely dove feeling off my mind and concentrate on the few minutes I had left in the restaurant that was mainly patronized by accomplished and extremely arrogant people. I could not wait to have my boyfriend all to myself. Speaking of extremely arrogant customers there was a customer who always had my full attention whenever he visited.

I couldn't tell maybe it was because of his cold demeanor that made my heart flutter whenever I took his orders, or the way his appearance commanded an unusual respect, whenever he stepped into the restaurant. Or simply because no matter now hard I try, he never notice or acknowledge my presence.

There was something unnatural about his smooth pale face, glossy black hair and red lips that looked intimidating. There was a time I heard a bunch of rich young girls probably of my age placing their bets that he would probably be gay. 'All that body wasted' one said. He was always in black sharp suit, white shirt and red necktie. The first time I saw him I admitted that men in black suit can be extremely hot.

I held my breath as I noticed him walk in, towards his reserved table with light measured steps that was thick with authority, but my heart fell as I noticed the tall red-head clinging on his arm.

"Who is she?" Claire my best friend who was also a waitress asked and I shrugged.

Tearing my eyes away from him reluctantly I stared at the red-head beside him. Words couldn't describe how beautiful she looked in her short tight red dress, she was tan and exotic, and as she sat down the top of her exposed breast bounced lightly. I rolled my eyes as they started their intimate discussion.

"I think you owe me five bucks." I said to my African-American friend.

Claire looked at me and grinned. "Fine, you won. He isn't gay."

I went over to ask for his order, since he always had that table reserved every evening, and I was in charge of taking orders of customers at the left side. Trying my best to stay calm and failing miserably, I stuttered as I asked for his orders and still he refused to look my way, like he always do, instead his gaze was fixed on the red-head beside him.

What can a girl do to get attention here?

"W-what would you like to order sir?" I asked trying to make my voice sound cute.

"Two glasses of the best white wine you have. Do you want anything else?" he asked the redhead and she shook her head. "That's all" he said without looking at me. The woman looked up and smiled. And I hurried off to get his order. As I moved two paces away I miscalculated and tripped over an out stretched leg that was put there on purpose. I lost balance and fell on my chest and almost every head turned to look at me.

Damn, it hurt. Unknown warm hands circled my waist from behind and raised me, and I winced as my bruised ankle hurt. Curse my stupid heels, now I would have to limp all the way home.

"Are you okay?" the man who helped me up asked and I nodded.

Claire was at my side in an instant fussing over me. Out of curiosity I looked over my shoulders to see the green-eyed man obviously doing something that was much better than a clumsy waitress on his iPad with his thumb swiping away on the screen.

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