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The festival was even more magical at night. Somehow. Even Yidhra, who held a large amount of hate towards bugs that would crawl out at night around the manor, ended up outside with her three daughters. The group of four laughing as they grabbed some steamed buns from one of the vacant food stands.

Sometime into the afternoon, you had bumped into Robbie who cooed and awed at your new outfit. You laughed and twirled around for him to get a 360 view - which only lead to more compliments from the young hunter. Naturally, and as usual, he stuck to you from then onward - going around to see all the stalls for the day and grabbing more food than either of you could eat along the way. As Vera, Patricia and Fiona enjoyed themselves on the dance floor as a song which played way too loudly for your taste, rang out from the large speakers they stood beside.

"Y/n?" Robbie called out. He had been stuffing his mouth with some ice cream - not from a stand but rather one you found in the fridge of the manor.

You looked down and smiled at him. "Yes sweetheart?"

"Do you think we'll leave this place one day?"

The question wasn't a silent one - rather one that had already been screamed, shouted and cried out by other occupants of the manor when the games became too much to handle and their emotions ran out of control. It left both the hunters and survivors wondering if maybe one day the doors to the manor would be opened for one reason and one reason only - for them to leave and return to their normal lives.

But when you looked into it further; what was there to return to? Was it really as bad as 'oh the manor is not my home so I want to leave' ? Because had it been for the manor many of you would be in jail, hospitals, dead. The concept of a life in the outside world was something far more terrifying than anything that could be found within the four mysterious walls of the oletus manor.

Still, Robbie (despite sadly being deceased) was still but a child. A soul stuck in time to which his curiosity would never cease nor waver. This was home to him, but was it bad for him to wonder and yearn for things other than dark hallways and dusty bookshelves?

"Of course we will." You smiled, squeezing his small hand which rested in your hold - it reminded you of something unpleasant yet comforting, and you quickly swallowed back the memories. "One day I'll be able to take you to the park playgrounds and a zoo. We could go buy toys."

"And ride bikes?"

"Of course!"

He hummed, looking away to stare ahead - watching as Emma laughed with Naib. Jack fiddled with his finger blades from beside Martha and the grand feaster. "I want to live with everyone for the rest of my life."

Not once will you ever have the heart to tell him what monsters you all truly were. Despite all the friendly smiles and redeemed personalities, all the intimacy and care you held for each other - no matter what you all did to hide your past, many here would forever be tainted by past decision.

Crouching down beside the boy, you opened your arms - to which he quickly climbed into and wrapped his legs around your torso, allowing you to carry him on your hip as you both continued to enjoy the early hours of the night.


"He's asleep?" Leo cooed as he watched the young hunter nuzzle his head into your shoulder.

You nodded before adjusting him carefully, trying to avoid the way your hold on him had begun slipping. "He's been a lot more sleepier these past few days." You noted. "Taking a lot of naps."

The hunter laughed, shoulders shaking. "I remember when my dear Emma was like that."

You deadpanned. "She still is. Any chance she gets she'll sleep on someone."

Leo nodded with a smile turning to look at the precious gardener. "My wonderful daughter.." saying nothing more, he seemed lost in thought as he turned and walked towards her without even bidding you a goodbye. You didn't mind though, knowing he didn't mean any harm.

Still, you probably would've preferred if he stayed to keep you company.

"Need some help?"

And for that reason exactly.

"Norton!" You cheered, somehow both awkwardly and unenthusiastically at the same time. "What a surprise!"

He smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, the kimono they had given him creasing at the arms. It was less flashier than your own but definitely still had its own set of admirable factors. Much like the golden lace shine that sparkled with each subtle move he made.

His mining hat was long gone, letting his hair breathe for once, and you almost couldn't bite back a snort at the sight of the way his hair permanently stayed put. The top half was so flat as if forever dented under the weight of his stupid accessory.

"You seemed lonely, but you also don't seem very excited to see me."

"Whatever do you mean?" You quirked a brow, feigning ignorance. "Who wouldn't be ecstatic to be in the presence of someone as talented and brave as Norton? You're my prince in shining armour after all."

He smiled and permitted an amused huff to leave his nose. "And what are you? My royal spouse in need of saving from a big bad dragon?"

"I am a god. Don't belittle me to something as lowlife as that."

A youthful laugh emitted from him - high pitch laced with nothing but amusement. "You never cease to amaze me with your smart replies. You have to teach me your ways one day."

"I'll think about it." Turning, you walked over to an empty plastic chair - it had the Coca Cola logo on the back and seemed to bend at the legs, and for a moment you doubted the manor owner was as rich as you once thought they were. "It takes time, practice and a hot face."

He hummed, taking a seat across from you. He watched as Robbie shifted but made himself comfortable on your lap - not once waking up. "That's true. Can't argue with that."

Following that, there was an awkward silence - at least on your behalf. Norton seemed pretty comfortable, shifting to look to the side where Mike excitedly busted some moves with Michiko and Mary.

"I'm sorry."

He slowly turned back to you in a daze, thinking he must have only misheard you or heard the conversations of someone else around him. However, when he caught a glimpse of your furrowed brows and narrowed eyes that stuck to the white plastic table like glue, he couldn't help but feel a wave of shock.

"What- wait, what for? You've done nothing-"

"Yes I have. I've been rude to you and continued to push you away and be mean to you when all you're trying to do is help me." Your frown only deepened, but your eyes softened when you looked up to meet his gaze. "I can't handle emotions very well - I never had - so confronting emotions such as heartbreak or embarrassment are very hard for me to acknowledge and act on properly. I thought that by pushing you away then maybe you'd go find someone else, because as much as I want to; I don't love you Norton. At least not right now."

You let your words hang in the air, allowing him to understand what you mean. You really don't mean to hate him, you genuinely wanted to fall in love with him and experience what every other soulmate got, but you'd rather have him find better than have him wait.

He sighed, playing with his fingers. "It's honestly such a pity for you." He dramatically groaned, and you almost regretted being so open about your feelings to a man that could never take a situation seriously.

You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but smile as he continued. "I'm stubborn and patient and annoying. Do you really think I went through all that just to have you say I deserve better? So maybe I do; too bad I don't care." Leaning his elbows on the table, he met your gaze with a playful one - almost as if this were but a game to him. Not a game to play with your feelings, but something fun for you both to enjoy. You felt your heart beat quicken. "Y/n l/n you are in no place to tell me what I do or don't deserve. Not when what I want is sitting right in front of me."

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