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Everyone commenting on this story is so nice wtf. I literally got 5 reads on my other 10hr+ stories but so much love on here. Girl boss shit.

Aesop wasn't sure if he should laugh or mourn over the fact that Norton Campbell was your soulmate - as stupid as that sounds. On one side; he was sad your soulmate was so close to you and at any moment you could decide to be with him - but on the other side; you now had bruises all over your body because you fought him and said his... ahem... pp was probably as ugly as the 'musty, dusty, crusty, greasy' locks of hair on his 'ugly head'. Wise words from y/n l/n.

And so, as he tended to the bruises on your face, a snort left his lips.

You frowned. "What are you laughing at? You think this is funny?"

"I'm sorry." He snorted, waving you off. "It's just... 'erectile distinction' ? How did you even think of that at that moment?"

You laughed but shrugged, wincing when your swollen cheek pulled into a smile. "I don't know. I guess it was the heat of the moment."

"Well it was amazing, I'll tell you that."

Silence fell upon you both, allowing the man to work some more on your cheek - pampering it with creams and oils before moving to another bruise on your arm. You watched as he did so; the way his silver bangs would fall and frame his face, only allowing some of his appearance to be visible to you. Of course with the loss of a soulmate and the amount of care he had for his skin; he seemed almost flawless.

"Do you always stare at me this hard?" He spoke out suddenly, surprising you as he had not once looked up to see you staring.


"I can feel you burning holes into my head." He sighed, finally finishing with the last bruise. Putting the care kit away, he leaned back into the back rest of the chair he was sat on and sighed. "Am I just that attractive to you?"

"You wish." You rolled your eyes, snickering at him.

He smiled - his cheeks puffing up from the edges of his mask - before grabbing onto your hand and dragging you towards him softly. Allowing him to guide you, you stood from your own chair and followed his lead, laughing as he pulled you onto his lap. "Damn, did you get excited looking at my purple cheek?"

His brows scrunched together and another snort left his lips. "You're so weird. Is it a crime that I want to cuddle my partner?" He hummed, wrapping his arms securely around your torso.

In return, you leaned into his chest and laid your head on his shoulder. "It is when I'm on your lap."

"What's so wrong about my lap?"

"Don't make me explain this shit to you." You huffed, looking up to see the amused glint in his eye. "I could literally take a piss on your lap right now; how would you feel about that?"

"EW!" The male chortled, pinching your side softly as you couldn't help but break out into a fit of laughter with him. "Since when did you become so comfortable around me to speak about this?"

Your brows raised. "Aesop." Another snort. "We're literally dating. What do you mean 'when did I become so comfortable'? When you confessed to me!"

"Yeah but we've never talked about piss before!"

"And I've never sat on your lap before!"

His face fell in defeat, a tired sigh escaping his lips. "Touché. You win." He groaned as a victory laugh emitted from you. Still, he couldn't help but smile down at your happy demeanor.

You allowed a minute of silence again, giving you both a chance to just bask in each other's presence and enjoy the moment. He was warm - safe. Something you didn't realize you had been looking for half your life.

Finally, you spoke up. "So, how do you feel about the whole... you know... Norton dilemma."

You grimaced the answer - scared he'd snap and say he couldn't love you just because of another man. But, to your surprise, he laughed.

"Well, he is your soulmate, so whatever you choose to do from now on I can only support you through it. If you wish to be with him I'll understand. It's only natural to want to be with who was made for you." He smiled.

Still, you couldn't miss the sad glint that shone in his eyes. "But... I know this is probably selfish of me, but what if I don't want to be with Norton?"

For a second, time stilled. It was almost unheard of to not want to be with your soulmate, nearly criminal to go against the laws set by whatever higher power there was. And yet, to Aesop, it was no less of a miracle.

Here he was; Norton Campbell. A tall, good looking, well built man who has shown a desire to fight for his soulmate and make right of what he had messed up. And yet, you had chosen to reject that. To reject the idea of having your happily ever after.

Though unbeknownst to him, your happily ever after was Aesop. Not Norton. Not your soulmate. Your happily ever after was someone who has been with you through thick and thin, someone who has cared about you and shown devotion and love and patience.

"Do you remember... what you said to me when I confessed?" He asked and when seeing you shake your head, he continued. "You said something along the lines of; I have a right to love whoever I want and to not dwell on the past. That my soulmate would have wanted me to be happy as well."

A flash of memory blinded you and a smile pulled on your lips, a hand subconsciously reaching up to cup the embalmer's cheek.

"Well, I think you also have a right to love whoever you want y/n. And if you give me the chance to love you back - I'll love you for the rest of my life."

Without even noticing, a tear had rolled down your cheek, rushing down the skin as you smiled and gave a soft laugh. "You speak of me as if I'm your soulmate."

"I loved my soulmate, yes." He nodded, leaning into your palm. "But it was nothing like this. And though it's painful to admit; I'm sure she would have agreed with me too that our love was cut short before it could form into something as strong as what I feel for you."

"Then." You smiled, sitting up to cup his other cheek with your free hand - feeling his face in your hold. Warm. "Do you think she would have allowed me to love you in her stead?"

He nodded. "She would."

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