Chapter 4

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Maiko was out on a mission Tsunade let him join the ANBU. I was bored out of my mind Tsunade hasn't given me any interesting missions there mostly just chores for me. Anyway Kakashi wants us to train today so I was on my way to the training ground.

'Let's see how should I take his book this time' I asked Luna

'Way are you asking me'

'Um maybe because you been around longer then me' I pointed out

She sighed

'Yah well that doesn't mean I'm gonna now how to steal a book from a pervert' She snarled

I grumbled out curses

After a few minutes I arrived to the training ground and saw that I was the last one there.

"What took you so long!" Naruto shouted

"Do you ever stop yelling" I groaned

He crossed his arms and pouted which cause me to giggle at his actions, I was unaware of the three blushing boys.

"Yah will you never answered my question on why your late" Naruto mumbled

"Fine I lost track of time happy now" I said sarcastically

He smiled and nodded his head

I sweat dropped

'How dumb is he sometimes' I thought

'That's a good question'

'Hey I wasn't asking you' I grumbled at Luna

She laughed

"Alright where going to be doing the bell test again since your all here" Kakashi said

"But sensei we already did it when Naruto got back from his training mission" Sakura said

"Yes but Y/n wasn't here and she just got back from her training mission so it thought I would have you three do it again" He told us

"Well it will be easy now that we know the true purpose of the test" Naruto said enthusiastically

"Naruto I would still be on your toes knowing him he has tricks up his sleeve" I told him

Kakashi chuckled

"Y/n may be right anyway you have until noon to get a bell if not like before I tie you to a stump and eat my lunch in front of you" He tells us

I raise an eyebrow with a smirk

"So what your saying is that the rules are the same as last time meaning we can come at you with the intent to kill?" I asked innocently

He nodded

Kakashi then set the clock for noon and told us to start. We all jump to a tree and few meters away.

"Alright I have a plan we all act like we're going to do this alone then after we fight him one on one we met up by the river" I told him

"What do we do after" Sakura asked

"I don't know I haven't thought of that but let's do the first part"

"Alright Y/n" Naruto said

"Who wants to go first" I questioned

Naruto raised his hand me and Sakura nodded and off he went. Sakura said she would go next, after a few more minutes me and Sakura went or separate ways.

I was sitting in a tree branch just twirling a kunai on my finger, it was almost my true just another minute and I would be off to find Kakashi. I also decided this is that time I'm going to take his book from him again.

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