I think he knows now

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I had to take a breather after delivering my heart like this.

Unsurprisingly, Jungwon was staring at me with astounded (beautiful) eyes.
But not unsurprisingly, so, surprisingly, he did not run away.

He just muttered:

"Is it true?"

And after I had frantically nodded, he jumped to my neck to hug me.

It was like a breath of fresh air. I could suddenly breath normally again!
Except that my heart was now beating so fast that I could probably have died from it.
Or was it his heart?

However, he stayed there, tightly hung to my neck for a while.

I was petrified. I didn't know what to do at first, but found the courage to wrap my arms around him.

I think the hug meant I could be a little more forward about my feelings.
Also, after the hug, he said to me:

"Be more forward about your feelings, idiot! I love you very much myself, so why wouldn't I want to feel that you love me too?!"

These words made me realize that I was probably very unconfident about how he felt about me as well.
But I think it's because our ways of showing love are very different.

We're just starting to learn about each other.

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