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"Why don't you just tell him? This way, he won't be able to ignore your feelings anymore."
That's what Sunoo told me when I asked him what he thought about my situation.

At first, I thought: "Nah! I'm not risking this!"

But not even a day later, here I was, seated in Jungwon's room, fixing him and saying in all seriousness:
"Jungwon, I like you."

I just couldn't help myself! He was talking about Taekwondo, and his eyes were almost disappearing because of his smile. I felt a wave of love and I suddenly blurted it out...

After I realized what I had said, the world stopped and my ears started ringing from the silence my words created. I was in full panic mode.

And that's when Jungwon simply answered:
"Oh, I like you too." And proceded to resume his Taekwondo tale.

My heart : Broken.

I was so violently friendzoned my mind stopped functioning. So I just kept staring at him for the whole conversation, which wasn't very different from what I would usually do.

This night, I went to sleep crying.

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