Rumor has it

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My sudden exclamation made Jungwon stop sobbing. He looked at me with wide eyes, wondering what has gotten into me.

"Where the hell did you hear something like that?!" I exclaimed.

His tears still rolling, he sniffed before saying:

"I–it's Sunoo and Heeseung. I told them we would soon kiss, and they laughed at me. They said I was mean to you and that I should agree to reach the next step faster."

I got a shock.

"You talk about us with Sunoo and Heeseung??" I naturally asked.
I now understood why Sunoo was laughing at me so much when I told him about Jungwon friendzoning me.

"Yes. Is it bad?"

"No, not really..."

Yes it IS!

I mean, It's good that he feels comfortable enough to say we're dating to others, but I don't want those idiots to come meddle in our relationship.

"Those fuckers...," I muttered.

But before I could say more, Jungwon continued:

"Sunoo said that I'm not your first. That it is normal for you to have sex when you go out with someone. He even said that waiting so long to kiss is weird."

Sunoo is gonna get it, I swear.

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