Let me talk to you about Jungwon

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My name is Jay, and I have a crush on my best friend, Jungwon. 

Let me talk to you about Jungwon:

First, he is the cutest piece of human you can find. 
Second, he has the most beautiful smile.

 Second, he has the most beautiful smile

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Third, he is very kind and very nice.

However, my problem is that he is very kind and very nice to everyone. I've seen him feel uncomfortable around some people, but I've never heard him talk bad about anyone. I'm not saying one can be too nice, I'm just saying that I wish he would give me special treatment, at least as his best-friend. 

My friend Sunoo says it's flagrant and that my feelings aren't discreet for shit. But how am I supposed to not put him first? How am I supposed to say no to these gigantic sparkly boba eyes?
I'd rather die.

 But how am I supposed to not put him first? How am I supposed to say no to these gigantic sparkly boba eyes? I'd rather die

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Jungwon doesn't seem to mind anyway. I wonder if he knows I love him and just pretend he doesn't, so it wouldn't ruin our friendship, or if it is just so unthinkable for him that his brain just can't process it.
Either way, I'm fine. Everything is better than not being by his side.

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