Notes from the author

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I wrote this story so fast because I just HAD to write it, but it felt too short to do a whole serious file. Wattpad is the perfect medium for this kind of impulse.

I recently dreamed of Jungwon, that's how he became my favorite in Enhypen. Before that, it was Jay. When I discovered they were very close, it lead to this story.

I will probably write another story with Jungwon, where he'll have a more dominant character, but I felt like he would fit the concept of this story. He's just so fluffy and adorable. Plus he does cry very prettily !

The writing didn't go as planned tho. He wasn't supposed to be as unaware as not even knowing what sex is. But it turned out like this. He was actually supposed to want to wait a hundred dates before doing it.

The chapter about Jungwon's diary was supposed to be more impactful. Maybe if I had coupled it with Jay's it would've been more interesting, but I felt like it would've been a spoil.

Also, pardon the rather bad image I gave Sunoo and Heeseung in the story, I just didn't want to put unknown names.
Jay went and scolded them, they even apologized to Jungwon 😜

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