Chapter 4 ~ She's Right There!

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"Is Aunt Nat really a ghost? Are you actually her sister? What's your dog's name?" Cooper asked, lowering his book slightly to attack Yelena with questions.

"Aww, she's cute! Can I pet her?" Nathanial added eagerly.

"Can you fight? Beat people up? Are you the next Black Widow?" Lila gasped eagerly, "Can I be the next Black Widow? Am I the next Black Widow and I don't even know it?"

"If you're the next Black Widow, then I'm the next Hawkeye," Nathanial declared.

"What no! I take it back! I wanna be the next Hawkeye," Lila brought her hand to her face thoughtfully, "Unless I can be Black Widow with a bow....."

"How long are you staying with us?" Nathanial asked. "Can it be forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and-" --the other two kids joined in-- "ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and-"

They all breathed in to start doing it again before Yelena stopped them, "Hold up!"

"What?" Lila asked

"Well I can't answer your questions if you're doing that, can I?"


"No. But it made you shut up," Yelena smirked.

"Where's Auntie Tasha now?" Nathanial asked.

Yelena looked around, searching for any sign of the ghost. "....I'm not actually sure."

"Is she really a ghost?" Cooper asked disbelievingly.


"If you're Auntie Tasha's sister? Then are you our Auntie?" Nathanial asked, staring at Yelena curiously.

Yelena didn't know how to feel about that, "I guess so."

On one hand, she had more of the family she's always wanted. But on the other hand, SHE HAS MORE OF THE FAMILY SHE'S ALWAYS WANTED! What if she messes up and they hate her for it? What if they abandon her like her first family did?

And what if there isn't an amazing movie to explain that they all got torn apart and there was no huge problem that could end the world they had to stop together to bring them back together as a family?

Who was Yelena kidding.... There would always be a huge problem that could end the world.

"We have another Auntie! We have another Auntie! We have another Auntie!" Lila, Nathanial, and Cooper were chanting.

"And she has an adorable fluffy puppy!" Nathanial added, reaching down to play with Fanny's ears. "So soft!" he cooed.

"Nathanial!" Lila snapped, "You broke the chant!"

"Sorry." Nathanial replied, then joined in again. The three of them marched in a circle around Yelena and the dog sitting beside her. "We have another Auntie! We have another Auntie!"

"Kids," Laura scolded, coming out of the kitchen, "Give Yelena some space and go get some food."

"Yes mom!" Lila saluted. Cooper and Nathanial copied her. Lila ran to the kitchen and Cooper followed.

Nathanial was going to go too, then stopped and turned to Laura, "Is Auntie Lena gonna eat with us?"

"I don't know sweetie, we'll see how it goes. Now go ask your sister to help you get food," Laura replied.

"Okay!" Nathanial said and ran off.

"Thanks for being so patient with them," Laura said to Yelena, "I know they can be a bit of a handful."

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