Chapter Eight: Unwanted Visitors

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Mom really wanted to decorate the garden so she sent Brook and I out to Mindy's Flower Shop. The town is very beautiful, we passed by different stores and I just felt like going shopping. I smoothed my green flowered dress and took out my lip gloss. I don't know why but these past few week's have made me so girly.. Ha-ha I haven't wore a sweat shirt since the party and I've been dressing really nice. I guess I need this change. Glossing my lips I adjusted my rear view mirror. Brook gave me a sly smile "Chloe you're so pretty but save that for Jacob" she teased.

Playfully I slapped her arm "Don't even try me Brooklyn! Jacob ugh!" my lips curved into a frown just thinking about that jerk. Brook crossed her arm's neatly over her chest "Chloe, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, you can ask me anything"

Spotting 'Mindy's Flower Shop' I found a good parking spot up front. Brook brushed off her jeans letting out a loud sigh "What do you think about Sam and I dating?" I rolled my eyes in a playful manner. I already knew something was going on between them but I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if she was truly over Matt. Brook may move on fast but I don't think she has honestly gotten over Matthew. She's a nice girl don't get me wrong but its like she gets everything she wants without even lifting a finger. I'm not entirely jealous of her but I did envy her at times. "I already knew, you're not very good at secrets if I might say" I winked. Brook laughed as both of us exited the car.

"I wonder what type of flowers your mom wants?" she asked, taking out her cell, she began to text I'm guessing Sam?

"She loves tulips and roses so I think I'm going to get a bunch of those." I took out my wallet to check if I had enough change. I only had about fifty bucks. That's enough to get me about fifteen flowers haha. I really needed to get a job but its my mother's money so that's on her.

Opening the glass double doors, Brook and I walking around the rather large market. It smelt like oak. Yuck. Brook continued to text as I grabbed a shopping cart. I picked up a few flower pots and some fertilizer. Going into the small plants aisle I found a lot of tulips and seeds to go along with. The roses smelt so good. Lifting one out of the small glassed vase, I touched the red textures of its leafs. "Those are so beautiful! You definitely have to buy!" Brook grabbed a bunch of white ones and I grabbed mostly the red ones. Placing the pots of flowers in the cart , turning the corner my cart hitting someone's cart.

Quickly moving the cart back I ran a hand through my hair "I'm so sor-" My words got caught in my throat and my eyes burned as I stared upon this familiar face. His dark curly hair covering his right eye leaving his left blue one clearly visible. The smirk on his face turning into a smile. He must be more shocked than me. I could feel Brook burning a whole on the side of my face the way she's staring.

"Quessi! I didn't expect to see you until a couple of months from now!?? This is such a surprise" his eyes never leaving mine. I dug my fingers into my wrist. How could one person cause so much pain and hatred to another? Finn's hatred for me, he did it with a passion.

I was so pissed and angry all I know is that I needed to hurry and pay for this stuff and get the hell out of here! Turning the cart around Finn tightly gripped on to my wrist. He snickered "Where do you think you're going? Chloe, don't you know by now?"

Brook took a step close to him, "Don't you have some where to be Burkley?" she hissed. Finn glared at her, opening his mouth but he's interrupted by a stunning woman with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

Placing a hand on his shoulder "Finn, you didn't tell me you had company?" If I'm correct that must be his mother. Finn grinned" Mom, this is Chloe" he pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my waist "My girlfriend" Brook's jaw dropped. Oh my gosh... His girlfriend!! Even this was low even for Finn. I tried to loosen his tight grip but he wouldn't budge.

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