Alternative Ending

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At twenty-two, I found myself on a train heading towards Seoul with a tiny suitcase in tow. It had been two years since my father passed away during spring so, I was back for a week to comfort my mom during the hardest time of her life. 

Even though it has been nearly two years since I've looked back, took that first step onto the train at early hours of the morning. The path to a life that doesn't live me wallowing in my sorrow, I remembered Seoul like the back of my hand, like I never left in the first place. 

I had just recently graduated from University a couple of weeks ago, but my mom couldn't make it. She seemed really busy with her work that she seemed to be drowning herself in. I don't blame her, when my father passed away, I also left with a heavy heart so, it was the only distraction from her pain and suffering for the last two years. My aunt sent my mom photographs of me during graduation so she would know what I looked like on a special day.

Standing in front of my house felt nostalgic as destructive. My heart was still empty. The painful memories began flooding back to me as I stared at the gate of my house and was greeted by my mom with tears in her eyes. 

She has aged a lot. She had dark circles that surrounded her eyes. It was like she hasn't slept in a while because she looked so frail and weak as she walked around me. For the first time in two years, my mom cooked me a meal and I watched a small smile place upon her face as she watched me eat yet she wasn't touching her own food that sat in front of her. 

The first thing I do in Seoul is meet up with Taehyung and he says nothing but pulls me into a bone-crushing hug that lets the warm of his body mould into mine. It's been too long since I've hugged someone like this. Too long since I've seen Taehyung, longing for the company that I have treasured for years. 

"I've missed you so much," Taehyung breathed into my hair before he lets go. "It's been what, two years right?"

"Yeah." I replied. 

"You even cut your hair," Taehyung said, touching the ends of my hair and giving me smile. "I'm so glad you came back, even if it's for a week."

I forced out a smile - the only thing I could do under Taehyung's piercing gaze, full of love and concern. "Maybe, one day I'll stay for longer."

We ended up going grocery shopping because my mom asked me to pick up a few things for dinner. The grocery store is the same one that was there two years ago, down to the broken door that they never bothered to replace that you had to literally kick it to open. The smell was the same, the stench of cigarette smoke and cheap air freshener, and that this strange scent feels like home. I never thought this lone, run down grocery store would mean so much to me. It's decently packed with customers, unsurprisingly considering it's spring and there is not upcoming event going on. I grab a small-sized grocery cart that was rusting and squeaky as I wheel it back to Taehyung, who grins as he drops a full bag of cheap tortilla chips into it, snagged from the display shelf in the entrance because it was on special offer. 

"I know you don't want to talk about Jungkook, but he's sad," Taehyung told me, dropping random snacks from the shelves into the cart.

"What do you mean he's sad? Isn't he supposed to be happy that he gets to spend the rest of his life with someone he loves?"

"Actually, they broke up six months ago," Taehyung said, as I wheeled the cart around the store. "Jungkook doesn't speak to us often, but every time we mentions your name or anything, he gets tense. I do think he regrets a lot of things, especially to do with you."

"Jungkook gets like that when he's heartbroken and I doubt it's because of me," I replied, feeling uneasy. "I'm sure he's fine, he's old enough to deal with heartbreak."

"If you say so," Taehyung shrugged. "Anyways, let's get some alcohol tonight and have a party at mine. I'll even invite Jimin to come along, I'm sure he will be delighted to see you again."

Before I could protest, Taehyung is tugging me and the cart towards the alcohol aisle and grabbing bottles of soju, and vodka.

After picking up what I needed, Taehyung and I parted ways, waving goodbye to me as he will see me later on before going our separate ways. As I continued my walk home, I thought about the memories I had here, smiling to myself as I remembered him. How he would always wait for me at the bottom of my street for school or how we would try and trip each other up when we were walking home together. Those times were my favourite, where I slept better and didn't feel so numb anymore.

"It's like seeing a ghost," A voice startled me, dropping the bag of groceries that I was holding in my hand and I looked at the man coming straight towards me. He looks breathless, his chest was moving fast, and his hair was a lot longer than I remembered it was. He looked the same. The gentle eyes, the same full lips and a sharp jawline. He launched forwards and before I could react, I was in his embrace.

"How did you know I was home?" I questioned him, muffled by his shirt. The same scent I remembered two years ago - which was haunting my mind in my sleepless nights. His hands dropped onto my shoulders and straightened then he looked directly in my eyes. 

"Your mom told me when I stopped by last week," He said. "She told me that you were coming home for the first time in two years."

"You spoke to my mom?"

"Taehyung told me you left straight after your father passed away," Jungkook's words were gentle and soft. "Just after you left, I looked after your mom while you were away. I knew she was lonely so, I brought food for her four times a week to make sure she was eating well."

"But why?" I muttered, shooting an uneasy glance at him. "I pushed you away. I left two years ago because I couldn't handle my feelings so, I ran."

"I figured out she needed someone when her daughter and husband were gone, and for once I was the one who owed you something," He smiled softly, bending down to pick the bag of groceries that I dropped. "Hana and I broke up six months ago, because we both knew my heart wasn't with her anymore."

"Why?" I repeated, the tears filling up in my eyes. My heart did a strange flip inside my chest, butterflies erupted in my stomach, as he brushed the hair out of my face.

"It's because I realised that I loved you all this time," he said. "For a while, I realised Hana wasn't you. When I watched you walk away from my life, I understood why you reacted like that and why you never told me you loved me."

"What -"

"I know I've been such a shit friend and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sure you've went through a tough time over the last few years." Jungkook said quickly, cutting me off. "I was hesitating to tell you how I felt that summer when we were eighteen, and I took you for granted by ignoring what happened between us."

"You acted like you didn't care after that summer. You left me when I was going through all that and the worst thing of all, you were engaged to Hana," I said quietly, a stray tear falling down my face.

"And without you, it's been torture because I love you." Jungkook said. "I have loved you since were were sixteen. From the moment we became friends until now. My heart always loved you but I denied it for so long because I was scared of what would happen between us if we never worked out but in the end I lost you because I was never true to my feelings."

"I love you," I said, my voice trembling and the tears beginning to fall freely down my face. After six years, my heart was whole again and I was finally happy. I finally heard the word I've wanted to hear for three years.

"Ah, I have known this since we were eighteen, you fool." Jungkook's eyes formed an eye smile, and with a short exhale, he grabbed my waist with his hand and pressed his lips onto mine. Even if it took us this long, I finally gotten to know how is it to be loved. 


N/A: Omg, this is the end of When We Were Sixteen!! Okay, this was originally going to be the ending, but I thought I'd spice it up and let Taehyung become the end game of this story. Anyways, let me know what end you prefer. Thanks for making it this far!


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