Why Boruto was Sarada's Sun too

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After Sarada's eyes opened,  she screamed Papa at the top of her lungs. 

Boruto: That dream, again? Sarada, it's been two years, and you still can't get over it.

Sarada looked sideways.

Sarada: Oh.........it's you.........

Boruto started folding up his blankets and mattress and putting them in his bag. His blue eyes glittered in the sunlight. Sarada could feel her face warming but as an Uchiha, she was able to hide the burning sensation that reached her cheeks.

Sarada: I'm sorry if I caused you trouble for carrying me here........

Boruto: You didn't! You're extremely light!

Sarada looked the other way. 

Sarada: O-oh..............where even are we?

Boruto: We're at this abandoned city. Shikadai and Inojin are investigating a little here. They'll come back here to meet up at nightfall, so might as well investigate with them. 

Sarada instantly stands up on her mattress and walks to fold her blanket and mattress and put them both in her bag. 

Sarada: Also Boruto........I'm sorry for yesterday............for being useless and not fighting when I should have. If I didn't........and if Kosuke didn't come..............we would've both been goners.

Boruto looked at her, keeping her cool and chill expression as she said this. How does she do it, not showing emotion at all? Boruto stood for a moment looking at Sarada and then back to folding.

Boruto: It's okay Sarada if that was me, I probably would've lost my cool entirely and messed up the whole fight. 

Sarada: ........oh ....... I see........

Sarada looked over the balcony where they were resting. They were very high. She flinched back at the height from the ground to where she was.

Boruto: We're really high, huh? We should go down and see what's there, shouldn't we?

Sarada: Yeah, we should, but......um.....

Boruto: What's the matter?

Sarada: Oh......uhh.......I'm kinda scared to go down.......

Sarada flushed at the thought that she would be scared to do something so minuscule. Boruto looked into her dark opaque eyes for a moment and then smiled.

Boruto: Then, I'll carry you!

Sarada: You what?!-

Before she can say anymore, Boruto had already cupped her body into his arms and started jumping from the tip of the balcony. Sarada's long black hair flew in waves as Boruto effortlessly pushed his legs off from one surface to another. Sarada would've fought him then, telling him to let her go, but then Boruto would've fallen into an abyss with no end, which seemed to be below him. She held tight onto Boruto's neck, like an anchor to a boat, while looking at the wonders that lay ahead of them. Sarada looked at Boruto's face, the sun rays being a background. It was like a halo of light was glowing around him. Sarada tried to shake off the thought but she still seemed dazed. They eventually reached an abandoned home which still seemed to be half intact.

Sarada: Let's look inside there.

Boruto: Roger that.

Sarada looked around the wooden home until Sarada found a scroll.

Sarada: Boruto! Look! I found something!

Boruto rushed over to Sarada's side.

Sarada: Why is it.......in the Uchihaine language?

Boruto: There is such a language?

Sarada: Yes, it's a language that once an Uchiha sees and utters the following words, 'I by celestial decree have the right to read this Uchihaine document' it will-

 The scroll began to shapeshift the letters and as time passed, Boruto was able to read the document. 

Boruto: It will make it readable by everyone?

Sarada: Yes.

Boruto: But how do you know this?

Sarada: During the 5th Great Ninja War, when Uncle Itachi and Papa were reanimated, they had told me that the Uchihaine language was made by them, to secure all secrets of the Uchiha and problems that relate to them. But that was made during the 5th Great Ninja War, which was recent. From what I see, this place was demolished at least a few thousand years ago.

Boruto: Oh, I see. Well, let's read the document.

'An Uchiha has emotional chakra, chakra that can only be weld by extreme emotion. When there is an influx of this, an unknown chakra exerts the body, and no longer is it the Sharingan or Mangekyo Sharingan - Sasuke.'

Sarada: Papa wrote this?! Then how did it-

Boruto: I think someone used Rinnegan to get it here. So they can hide it from others, just in case.

Sarada: But who would do that? Other than Papa, no other Rinnegan user is the ally of the Leaf.

Boruto: That's true.

Sarada: Well, I'll just need to put this in my bag.

Boruto: Yeah.

Boruto smiled at Sarada, beaming rays of happiness came from him. He was shining even though it was dark there. Sarada was instantly brought back to memories of her childhood, how Boruto had saved her from many troubles and how his determination was undying, even though the circumstances didn't seem as though. Sarada smiled back and opened her eyes to see a clock behind Boruto.

A thought hit Sarada. She only had two days left.

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