A parent will die for their child

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Sasuke: Damn- you- Otsutsukis! You just don't come to an end, do you?

Kitsuke: Nah, not really. We just wanna cultivate the Chakra fruit. Normally, it's not that hard but people have been saying that this planet has been a bit hard to take over. Really, you've left me with some bruises, pretty impressive, Uchiha. But in the end, you'll just have to die. 

Sasuke: Hey, you have a limit off that annoying chakra disabling power, don't you?

Kitsuke: Hm? Why do you say that?

Sasuke: You have a 50m limit, you can only disable the chakra of those 50m away from you, when you begin that jutsu. When that jutsu is activated, those who weren't in the 50m radius but enter it won't be under your jutsu. That's the weakness of your jutsu, isn't it? 

Kitsuke: Hm? Ho ho ho, well you are Uchiha Sasuke, they do say your ingenuity is amazing. Well done!

Sasuke: Well, I didn't. My daughter did.

Kitsuke: Hm?

A woman wearing a wolf mask appeared from the shadows, shouting Shannaro.

Kitsuke: Oh, is this THE Sarada Uchiha? Well, I really do have a good gift for her.

Through her mask, you could see three tomoes activated. He stared into his eyes with scorching red eyes. She then moved back and made hand movements.

Sarada: Lightning Style: Lightning Ball Jutsu!

Lightning balls aimed at Kitsuke were absorbed instantaneously. Kitsuke then enlarged some rods and hit Sarada's body, hitting all vital areas. Sarada looked vulnerable for a few seconds, then at the last second, she smirked at Kitsuke and faded. Kitsuke instantly realised and dodged Sarada's Chidori, which hit a pile of rocks.

Sarada: Damn it! Now I can only do one more Chidori! I really have to make use of this.

Kitsuke: Oh? One more chance? Well, then you really should make use of it. 

Sarada: Yeah, and I won't miss this time!

Sarada bit her thumb and placed it on the ground.

Sarada: Summoning Jutsu!

A snake appeared and looked down.

Aoda: At your service, Sarada - sama

The snake started hitting Kitsuke from all corners with the tip of his tail. He then tried gulping him in his mouth but missed when Kitsuke hit him with another jutsu. Sarada also used her fire style to hit him from the back but they were all absorbed by Kitsuke. Aoda then took him by the hand and gulped him down his throat. The Otsutsuki then ripped through Aoda's leathery skin to escape, giving him a lot of blood loss.

Sarada: Aoda!

Aoda: It's all up to you now Sarada - sama. 

Boruto had finished fighting the other Otsutsuki that had come to retrieve the Chakra Fruit, and also had Kawaki with them, on their side. However, Kawaki hadn't shown himself then. Sarada then made a Chidori and aimed it at Kitsuke as his focus had drifted towards the blonde boy in the black cape.

Sarada: Chidori!

Kitsuke suddenly looked back and smirked. As Sarada came closer, he moved more to the side. But instead of dodging, he grabbed her hand and flew with it. Sarada tried to wriggle out but her the friction of the air and atmosphere against her body was too fast for her to move. She looked out to see who was forward.

Sarada: Papa! Get out of the way!

Sasuke was limping, he couldn't move at all, for his legs had been decapitated.

Boruto: Sasuke - san!

Boruto started running too. Quicker than ever. And yet, his speed couldn't match those of Kitsuke. Sarada tried to move, to keep her eyes open. She believed that nothing would happen. Her father was one of the main characters. Surely a miracle would happen to save him. She couldn't believe that her confidence would let her down. The next moment to flash by her eyes was her hand, inside her father's chest. Her Chidori had been gone........ and used. 

Boruto: Sasuke - san!

Kitsuke: Well, my job here is done! I'll be going then. See ya later, Sarada Uchiha!

Kitsuke opened a portal and stepped inside. Boruto tried going in with him but Kitsuke had already teleported before he could reach where he was once standing. Boruto teleported back to Sarada, where Sasuke had fallen. Sasuke reached to take off his daughter's mask, which covered Sarada's angelic face. Her eyes began to swell.

Sasuke: Sarada.....

Sarada: Don't talk, Papa! You're gonna live. I'm definitely not going to let you die.

Sasuke: ....Sarada...... I don't have too much time left.

Sarada: Don't! Talk!!!!

Sasuke:........Well then Boruto......I'll talk to you okay? You were an amazing student. You had shown me so many things I didn't know! So please, promise me one thing. Protect Sarada for me.

Boruto: ...........you can leave it to me!

Sasuke: And you, Sarada........

Sarada clenched her teeth and fist

Sasuke: Sarada......you really are my princess.  I love you so much and I wish I could've stayed with you longer and see how much you grow. But.....that doesn't seem to be the case. Sarada, can you take off my ring from my hands?

Sarada, left with nothing to say, obeyed him hesitantly. She looked at the silver work. It was plain, but to Sarada, she knew how important this was to her father.

Sasuke: I.....I want you to give this to someone special. Someone you think would be the best partner for you. I wanted to see them with you, but I can't. 

Sarada had tears crawling down her eyes.

Sasuke: Sarada, I don't want you like this before I go. I know you're stronger than this. You can get through this.............trust...........me.........

Sasuke placed two fingers on her forehead.

Sasuke: I'll see you next time, in heaven.

Sasuke's breathing became faster and faster................until...........it can no longer be heard.

Sarada: Boruto.........his pulse..........

Boruto looked over to Sarada, her eyes having tears accumulating together. Boruto eyes shook in surprise as the pattern changed on Sarada's eyes. Mangekyo Sharingan.

Sarada: Boruto........... I ..........killed-

Boruto: You didn't kill anybody! 

Boruto teleported his way over to Sarada and held her tight. Sarada burst into tears, wetting Boruto's black cloak. However, Boruto neither flinched nor complained.

Boruto: *whispering voice* you didn't kill anybody..........I know that because you're Sarada Uchiha...........and I know she would never kill anybody. So please, don't think you did anything wrong. Because it wasn't your fault. And I know..........what it's like...........losing a father.

Boruto looked at Sarada in his arms.

Boruto: When are you gonna let me go?

Sarada kept on clinging onto Boruto's cloak.

Sarada: One more minute..........

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