Kawaki's Grave

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Himawari had hung her hair loosely beside her shoulders as she wore a simple dress with only a colour of black. Himawari's still seen Kawaki as a brother, not even when he's dead or not after all he's done.

Boruto: Hima, you ready?

Himawari: Yeah!

Boruto: (she's trying to act all ecstatic and optimistic. It hurts me to see her like this.)

At the grave: Hinata, Sarada, Himawari, Mitsuki and Boruto are present.

Hinata: Are you sure you still want to stay here? It's getting dark. 

Sarada: Don't worry Auntie! Boruto and I will take good care of Himawari-chan.

Mitsuki: Ok, good bye then!

Mitsuki and Hinata leave.

Sarada: I guess now we can really say how we feel. Himawari-chan, are you okay with going first?

Himawari: Sure!

Sarada: (she's too joyful and yet I know how much she's hurting. I hate it because even though she's Boruto's sister. I see her as a sister too.) Ok, go ahead.

Himawari: Ok....where'll I start? Well Kawaki-kun, I became a Jonin after the war, they say my Byakugan is the best there ever has been. Oh and also, don't worry about the goldfish, I'm keeping her in good hands. But....(starts tearing up) Can you tell me why you had to die? You could've let me heal you then.....AND YET YOU STILL DIED. (starts sobbing) really though, was there no other choice for you? Did you ever consider what would happen next? Did you ever consider how Sarada-oneesan and Oniichan felt when you left? Did you ever consider how I ... (Tears crawling from her eyes) how I felt .....? 

Sarada: (....She's hurting too much....I don't know why but it's hurting me too. My hands and arms, infact all my senses moved to embrace her. I didn't know why, but the way she was feeling pain made me sympathise with her. Almost as if I was her...)

Himawari: Sarada Oneesan.....

Sarada: Shhhh.....you don't need to speak anymore. I'm here and Boruto's here too.

Boruto: I watched as Sarada opened her arms and let her into her world of embrace. I'm happy Hima is getting the support she needs but at the same time, I wish that was me, between her arms.

Sarada: Boruto.....do you wanna go next? And Himawari, are you okay to go now, me and Boruto will talk to Kawaki, okay?

Himawari: (rubs her eyes) Okay...

Himawari runs off

Sarada: Now Boruto, you can begin.

Boruto: Yeah but, why did Hima have to leave?

Sarada: Because you'll say things she doesn't know. It'll break her to know that.

Boruto: Oh.....I see.....Well, dobe, I guess I can say you're in heaven now. Its good to know you changed before you died, you had remained on the right path. You're probably laughing at me up there, thinking at how pathetic I sound, but really, you're my friend, and nothing will change that, even if you once tried to blow up the one village you love. 

Sarada: (gulps) 

 Boruto: Yknow, I haven't told Hima yet....that you killed many people. Because y'know what would happen, she'd fall in more doubt about her life. And also if you're up there with Dad, send me some revelations from time to time about how that old man is going. But I wish you could do that. Then I would've visited you guys at least twice a day. It gets lonely when you can't say old man or dobe, well for me it is. But Sarada and I wanted to say that you were amazing, no matter what you did.

Sarada: And we'll always see you as a member of Team 7. You'll always remain to be someone special to all 4 of us, Mitsuki included. Even though he rarely has anything to say to you, we know he misses you too. 

Boruto: Dobe, remember I'm only being nice to you because you're dead. I simply feel too bad for you.

Boruto earns a punch on the shoulder.

Sarada: Boruto! *sighs* I wanted to say that I'm going to become Hokage so I can protect this village that you love. I'll take good care of it and this village will always help me remember you. I know you love taiyaki so I'll make sure to have a taiyaki store in this village named after you. I'll become a great Hokage, okay?

Boruto: I'll make sure become her right-hand man who makes sure the Hokage is doing fine.

Sarada: (I feel myself warming but brush it off) And together we'll make an even more peaceful village than it was before!

Boruto: Hey do you wanna go now?

Sarada: Ok, bye Kawaki! See you in six months!

They both run out of the gates and walk through a crowded street of stores.

Boruto: Hey, wanna eat some ramen?

Sarada: Sur-

Hears Himawari scream

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