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Skai's POV:
This is it. I am done. No more Miami. "Ughhhhh" I whispered with my head buried in my arms. School was a horrific nightmare. Seeing the hurt look on Raylee-on Dylan. It was too much to handle. My brain was uselessly trying to hold up a thousand pounds of sorrow,worry,jealousy,guilt.

I slowly walked in the hall to the kitchen to grab a snack. I found some Greek yogurt in our old fridge. I set my gaze out to the living room and a stream of tears budged their way out of my eyelids. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to leave my friends-my best friend. I hopped onto my couch and tried to hold my tears as my mom walked by with suitcases.

Can you imagine how it feels? When someone else leaves you're sad, but happy in a short time and hang out with numerous other friends. But have you ever thought what it would be like if it was you leaving? YOU leaving ALL your closest friends?? You being RIPPED out of your life! I never thought it would be me....-the one people felt sorry for. The one who left.

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