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Skai's fragile glass jar of life shattered into sharp senile pieces. Everything seemed scattered like an unfinished puzzle. When she thought her story of life was on a smooth road, The next chapter was a quenching nail biter.

Skai's POV:
It was truly horrible telling every single person I passed, the same "terrible" story with the same phony reaction. Who I was really worried about was Raylee. She had a super hurt look on her face. I'm assuming because I didn't tell her first. Of course, I will always be her best friend! But......Dylan. I had to speak to Dylan first. I buried my head in my arms and screamed inside my head. How is this ever going to play out! "Skai! Do you think this is naptime?" "What? No, Mr. Parllin." I muttered. Everyone seemed to be snickering at me. I realized it looked like I was sleeping.

Raylee's POV:
"Rayleeeeee!!!!" My mother screamed at 7:00 am. "Yes, mom I'm awake." I yelled back stretching on my bed. I yawned and rubbed my sleepy eyes with my dry fingers. I slowly got up and took a deep breath. I got on my clothes, straightened my hair, and grabbed my backpack, saxophone, drumsticks, and violin. Skai was always amazed by my music ability that I didn't think was as great as she did. She's such a great friend. I cooked myself an egg with some buttered toast. When I sat down, I bounced right back up again remembering I needed to talk to Skai. I grabbed my phone and sent her an iMessage, "Call me, Its urgent!" Just a few seconds later, my phone was buzzing and I saw Skai's face on my screen. I slid the thing to answer. I told her that I figured out her crush, Dylan was going to ask her out. Surprisingly, she seemed unhappy about it. I thought she would be screaming and jumping up and down! ....But she wasn't. She said she would talk to me at school and she hung up. I was completely surprised, but I figured I could talk to her at school and I left for my bus stop a few blocks down. I usually get to school a little later than most of my friends. I got my stuff from my locker for 1st period class and walked fastly down the halls. The mood seemed to have dropped when I walked past the hall by Mr. Parllin's class. Then, I dropped my books on the dirty hallway floor when I saw Skai around the corner. With Dylan! I was completely shocked! She was hugging him like they'd been together for 6 years! They were so content and loving I felt a rage of jealousy. I put a smirky smile on my face to show that it was awesome when I came by her. But inside, I was bursting with jealousy and anger. But I couldn't tell her that! Then my smile faded quickly when I saw she was wet with tears. "What's wrong, Skai?" then she replied to me with words that sank my heart down 1,000 feet, 250 mph. "I'm moving to Wisconsin tomorrow!" She cried. I was completely surprised. "Oh no Skai!" I replied. The sickening bell forced me to go to class and abandon my best friend.

I sat down at my desk in social studies and viewed back what just happened. Of course, I went the worst way about it and started getting mad at Skai. She completely tricked me! She pretended she didn't care a single bit about Dylan. Then, when I'm not there, she starts hugging him all over the place! My fingers were literally twitching as I got mad at my friend. Why did she tell me out of the blue she was moving to Wisconsin the day before she does! Plus, she told Dylan first!!! Hopefully, I am closer to her than she is with Dylan!

Then, I realized tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Dylan's POV:
I got up this morning bright and ready. I was finally confident to ask Skai out. She has such beautiful blue eyes and soft shiny brown hair. And, she is the nicest girl I know. I tried to find the nicest clothes I had and brushed my teeth really really good. I used mouthwash and put fresh mints in my mouth. Just in case if....you know. I gelled my hair into a hot style and got in the car with my mom and little sister. I got inside the school entrance earlier than I usually do to have time to ask her out.

I waited by Mr. Parllin's door since it was her first period class and leaned against the wall with roses behind my back. "This is it." I thought as I saw Skai walk in a fast pace down the hall. I was about to say, "Hey Skai! How are you?" But cut myself off when I knew the answer. She looked like she'd been crying pretty hard and I asked what was wrong. Then, she did something I never thought she would just do! She hugged me and said, "This is the last day you'll ever see me!" My fresh wave of comfort and surprise sunk. This was the last day I'd ever see the girl I've been planning to ask out for years. Now, she would be completely gone.

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