Chapter 15: Ending

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"What?" Barret asked. "What's the problem?"

"Don't tell me..." Biggs trailed off. He ran his hand through his hair, grabbing a handful of it and slightly pulling for a second.

"We have to get to the church now!" Tifa cried. "She's breathing but just barely."

Marlene and Denzel both whimpered as Barret picked up your limp body. A bunch of the stigma trickled down all the parts of your body it covered. Ignoring it, Barret rushed out the door Jessie held open for him.

Marlene and Denzel held Biggs's hands on either side to comfort him as the group rushed you to the church.
"This can't be happening..." he kept saying.


They made it to the church within minutes. Inside everyone was rejoicing and bathing in the water that replaced the floor and Aerith's flower patch.

"Outta the way!" Barret hollered. A few adults moved out of the way, pulling their kids back with them. People quieted down and stared as he carried you through the church. He laid you down next to the water where Denzel and Marlene eagerly cupped it in their hands and poured it on your body. 

Biggs knelt down and joined in, taking more time to meticulously rub the water in. Your breath still sounded stuffy and unstable.

Tifa put her ear up to your chest once again. Tears started to fall down her face as she rested her forehead against yours. "Thank God..."

"You mean--?" Biggs perked up. He was holding your hand now in both of his. Tifa nodded through tears, wiping her eyes.

"She's gonna be okay!" Jessie cheered.

"You thought I wasn't going to be?"

Everyone gasped and looked at you. The stigma had dissolved. You no longer looked or sounded sick. The only tiredness about you was the fact that you had just woken up. Otherwise, your body was invigorated. You wore a tired but genuine smile.

Not skipping a beat, Biggs let go of your hand and hugged you tightly.

"Easy, killer," Jessie said with a weak laugh, through tears.

Biggs shook his head and ran his hands through your hair. He had been home with you every day, but he still missed you. The old you who was hopeful, sassy and determined.
You had been obstinate and rude ever since you came down dramatically with the stigma, but he felt that he couldn't blame you. You were sick and getting ready to have a baby, after all.

You hugged him back as tight as you could, sniffling a little. "I'm so sorry," you said softly. "I was so demanding and bitchy and--"

"It's fine," he replied. "I'm glad you're okay. I can't imagine what that was like for you..." You just nodded into his shoulder, not wanting to debate that topic. He pulled you to your feet and into another hug.

"Bring it in, y'all," Barret told the others.
The others obliged and joined the hug. Everyone in the church was celebrating and bathing in the water.

"I must've stressed you out so much..." you murmured. "Say, is that a gray hair?" You asked jokingly, gesturing to his hair. There weren't any gray hairs, but you just wanted to mess with him.

"Hey!" Biggs whined. You giggled in response.

Suddenly, there was an abrupt thud by the doors causing everyone to look over. There was a bigger guy, laying on the floor. He was covered in the stigma and trying to stand up.

Cloud and Barret ran over to him and pulled him to his feet, not concerned about the visible illness. The hood of a cloak blocked the man's face. He let out a sickly groan and stumbled with Cloud and Barret to the pond.

Alias: Biggs x (Female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now