Chapter 14: Stigma (Extra-ish)

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The whole world around you was shutting down. After things had been rosy for a while, the planet finally spoke up.

Of course, you took no part in helping ShinRa. Honestly, you didn't think they were the reason this was happening either. Not at the moment, anyway.

They had been buddy-buddy with you in hopes you'd come back, but even if you wanted to (which you didn't), you couldn't.


Because right now you were laying in bed half asleep. A cool wet rag was strewn across your forehead to soothe your headache and soak up the sweat as you stared at the ceiling, breathing heavily. Water, mixed with purple droplets of Geo-stigma soaked into the ends of the rag before it could drip down the sides of your face.

"The stigma hasn't shown any signs of slowing down and she's been gaining weight too, despite not eating much," the doctor said. "When did she first come down with it?"

"A few weeks ago," Jessie said. "Maybe almost a month? Well... That's when we found it anyway."

"Geo-stigma does take its toll on some individuals quicker and easier than others," the doctor speculated. "However, I've never heard of weight gain. Much less the sickness spreading on a strong, developed adult this quick. Judging by how you all live, her immune system should have been able to stop this much from happening so fast."

A knock on the door came and it opened without an answer. Reno and Rude walked in uninvited and looked around the living room. You scoffed slightly.

"What happened here?" Reno asked.

"What's it look like, Goggles?" Jessie sneered.

The doctor bowed and ducked through the door as the two came in.

"That's enough of that already," you said. Before either of them could come up with a rebuttal, Biggs left the kitchen with a tray in his hands. He sat next to the mattress you were laying on. You slept there all day now and refused to be around him unless he was helping from a safe distance.

Biggs nodded "calmly" at the Turks, knowing they wouldn't do anything. "Welcome," he said, setting the tray down. There were medicine packets and a new damp rag, as well as water and a tea bag if you wanted tea instead.

Reno sat next to him.

"Don't get comfortable," Rude said. "We won't be long."

Reno just shrugged and looked over at what Biggs had for you.

When Biggs went to help you sit up, you swatted his hands away and forced yourself into a sitting position with a slight sickly groan. He let out a small sigh and caught the rag as it fell off your face before quickly discarding it.

He would do this every day as if it were his job. You hated being catered to as a sick child and would often get into small squabbles with him. Though you would always apologize later, no matter how much it hurt your pride.

"Looks like the missus is getting a little snarky with you as of late," Reno pointed out. You glared at him subtly.

"She won't let me do anything," Biggs replied. As he reached for the water, you took the tray from him and set it on your lap, taking the cup of hot water and putting the tea bag in. In the other cup of cold water, a medicinal powder.

Biggs gave a wild gesture to your actions and sat back, letting out a deep sigh as you guzzled the water.

You put the cup back down with a slight attitude and glared at both of them, but mainly Biggs. "Happy now?"

Alias: Biggs x (Female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now