Chapter 11: Goodbyes

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You climbed out of the crawlspace leading into Mako Reactor 5. Biggs took your hand and helped you out. "Looks good," you speculated. "The others shouldn't have any trouble getting through."

"Great," Biggs said. "Now we just have to wait. Our escape is ready too." You nodded and sat down on one of the crates to rest. Your nose scrunched slightly, trying to shake the smell of mako. "How's your side feeling?" 

"Fine, for now. Just a bit of throbbing pain." You were going to stay home for this mission, but decided to join Biggs at last minute. He was by himself, so you thought he'd have plenty of ways you could pitch in. And he did, though he was hesitant to let you tag along. 

You wiped some of the dirt off your hands and sat back, rubbing your side. He stood against the wall, next to the room's entrance. Eventually, you could hear the clanking of shoes on the metal platform outside. You quickly got up and stood next to him as he got ready to confront your possible opponent. The footsteps stopped and a large sword was drawn at Biggs's neck. He craned his neck away from it with his hands up. The sudden movement caused you to flinch.

"Mercy!" he said. He then looked over at the sword's wielder. He let his guard down as Cloud lowered the blade from his throat. "Wait... Cloud? Where's Jessie and Wedge?"

After Cloud came Tifa and Barret. "Report," Barret demanded, not giving Tifa time to answer Biggs's question. 

"Topside's going nuts after some terrorists jumped off a train," Biggs said. "Nice and quiet here, though. So quiet, [F/N] and I had no trouble securing your route into the reactor." He announced triumphantly as he pointed to the crawlspace. You smiled a bit too, happy to be acknowledged. 

"You magnificent sons of bitches!" Barret applauded. "Bring it in!" Biggs ducked under his hug and went over to Cloud and Tifa. "Oh, come on, man..." Barret muttered. Feeling a little bad, you gave him a hug to make up for the one Biggs dodged, and he accepted it with a small "hmph".

"So," Biggs said. "Where are the others?"

 "Jessie got hurt and couldn't make it," Tifa explained. Biggs tilted his head with concern. You got a weird churning feeling in your stomach.
Don't be stupid. He gets concerned for everyone. 


"Not so bad she couldn't rope in this guy," Barret said, gesturing to Cloud. Biggs just nodded at him with a friendly smile. 
"Thanks for stepping up."

"It's a job," Cloud replied with a shrug. 

"Worked out pretty good-- You picking that train you did," Biggs said, "While ShinRa scours Sector 4, you can waltz right on into Sector 5." He gestured again to the crawlspace. "It's a bit of a squeeze, but it ought to get you where you need to go."

Barret let out a small grunt. "A little dark and foreboding for my taste..." he admitted.

Biggs shrugged. "Beggars can't be choosers. Oh, and you'll be needing your grappling guns of course." You picked the bag up off the floor and passed it to Barret. "All set."

Barret smiled, "Ready to take on the world and then some!" 

Tifa nodded half-heartedly and looked at you and Biggs. "Make sure everyone gets clear, okay?" 

You both nodded. "Will do!" Biggs reassured her. You followed him over to the trapdoor. He opened it and you peered down at the scaffolding below. He took out his grappling gun and fired it at the ceiling, making sure it was secure. "C'mon," he said, holding an arm out. He must've noticed how nervous you seemed. 
You inched towards him and he wrapped an arm around your waist, trying his best not to hurt your side. You held onto him, keeping your mouth shut to refrain from screaming as he jumped down. 

Alias: Biggs x (Female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now