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nishimura riki was a confused boy.

suddenly, his best friend in the whole world, kim sunoo, had seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth. his bubbly ray of sunshine had been preoccupied lately with a certain...park sunghoon.

"ni-ki, why did you call us here? and why did you call it 'a meeting'?" heeseung asked the boy from a living room sofa.

"yeah, and who said you could host a meeting in my apartment?!" jay added from the other end of it, arms crossed.

ni-ki stood in front of his friends: jungwon, jay, heeseung, and jake.

"because your apartment is easiest to use as our home base," ni-ki replied.

"home base for what?" jay exasperated.

"anyways!" riki interrupted, clapping his hands together. "this meeting has been called because i am highly concerned about my sunoo and his whereabouts. i used to be his number one priority and now i'm not. i will not allow this ni-kiphobia any longer. does anyone know the relationship of sunoo and a so-called park sunghoon?"

jungwon shook his head with a sigh at ni-ki's dramatic ass. jake shook his head in answer to the question, looking like a lost puppy.

"bro, is this for real?" heeseung asked, unimpressed.

"yes it's for real! need i remind you that sunoo ditched us last night out of nowhere? it's clearly park sunghoon related. are they a thing or something?!"

"what's it to you?" jungwon asked, laying his head down on jays shoulder out of boredom.

ni-ki sighed, looking down at his feet. "because sunoo has never kept secrets from me before. it's weird not knowing every little detail about his life. i just hope sunghoon-ssi isn't being a bad influence on him or something, given his reputation."

"well," jake began, standing up to place a comforting hand on ni-ki's back, "we don't know anything, ni-ki, but why don't you just call sunoo and ask him directly?"

ni-ki pouted. "that would ruin the fun of being annoyingly dramatic and extra."

jay pinched the bridge of his nose. "i'm gonna get a headache in three seconds because of this kid."

"how are we supposed to help, anyways?" heeseung asked.

"well, i was thinking i would spy on sunoo," ni-ki said.

"why am i not surprised?" jungwon muttered.

"and what, you want our help?" heeseung chuckled.

"no, i just need y'all to know my plan. i would tell sunoo my plan because i tell him everything, but i clearly cannot do that this time."

jay stood up from the couch with a huff. "if sunoo gets mad at you, we have nothing to do with it. meeting over," he concluded, grabbing jungwon's hand and leading the gang out of his apartment.

show timeeeee, ni-ki thought to himself.


the next day at school, ni-ki knows where sunoo's class is. he also knows he is seat partners with sunghoon. the only thing he doesn't know is how he could spy on them when his class is somewhere else.

"uh, ni-ki? why are you standing here? isn't your class the other way?" the voice of kim sunoo sounds from behind riki.

riki jumps, turning around to face sunoo. "sunoo! oh, uh, no reason. just looking for y-"

but he was interrupted by park sunghoon approaching the doorway. sunoo shot him a friendly and classic bubbly kim sunoo smile. sunghoon gave him a slight nod in return, his upper lip slightly curving, before making his way into the classroom. WHAT THE FART?? ni-ki thought.

he mentally jotted down his suspicions from the interaction, especially the fact that sunghoon almost SMILED. sunoo noticed riki's weird facial expressions and simply shrugged before walking into his classroom, too.

ni-ki would resume his spying later.


two days passed. sunoo hardly spoke to ni-ki. he knew they weren't in a fight or anything, but ni-ki hated their lack of communication. it felt like sunoo was replacing him with sunghoon. he didn't know what to do.

the end of the school day came and ni-ki saw sunoo exit the front building just a few feet ahead of him. "yah!! kim sunoo!!"

sunoo turned to the sound of his name, smiling brightly when he saw ni-ki scurry up to him. "hey, ni-ki! what's up?"

"are you free to go the mall with me today?" ni-ki asked hopefully.

sunoo's smile faltered a bit. "oh, i'm sorry, riki. i have plans today with sunghoon hyung. we have a test coming up so i was gonna help him study. maybe another time?"

ni-ki swallowed down the lump in his throat as he forced a nod. "sure, next time."

sunoo waved goodbye to him and took off in the opposite direction. ni-ki felt his heart shatter. "i guess i'll go to the mall alone," he whispered to himself.

ni-ki grasped the straps of his backpack, kicking pebbles as he walked by himself toward the direction of the mall. he was so in his own head, he hardly cared that he was talking to himself.

"i guess they're closer than i thought," ni-ki mumbled, trudging down the sidewalk. "i'm supposed to be sunoo's best friend. i mean, he's allowed to have others of course, but he hasn't hung out with me in ages! or the gang! is he even aware? if he's such great pals with park sunghoon, why doesn't he invite the guy to hang with all of us?"

ni-ki reaches the mall, unaware of the weird looks he got from people passing by him on the sidewalk as he talked to himself.

"there's gotta be a secret....oh my god. wait, what if they really are dating? nah, sunoo would tell me that....right? plus, is park sunghoon into boys? i know sunoo is, but i don't know about sunghoo-"

"did you say park sunghoon?"

ni-ki froze. he quickly turned his head, now facing a boy leaning up against the side of mall's wall, cigarette in hand.

before ni-ki could get a word out, the boy spoke again. "if you need information about park sunghoon, you're in luck.

"the name's choi yeonjun."

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