17 - Death

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Louis POV 

Am I dead? 

It's too bright! 

Where am I? 

Where's Harry? 

I blinked profusely as I stared at the room in front of me. What the fuck? Why am I sitting in an empty room? 

I looked around in confusion and noticed a chair, leaning on one leg. I approached it slowly and gently tapped the side, making it tip. 

It clattered to the ground loudly and I recoiled, hoping I didn't disturb anyone. I had no idea where I was or who was here. I don't want to risk anything. 

"Hello?" I called out, searching each corner of the room. Nobody spoke or made an abrupt appearance. I've watched way too many movies to know that that is a bad sign. 

I side-stepped around the chair and made my way to the other side of the room, studying the wall. There were words engraved in the marble, spelling out 'Decide'. I cocked my head as I traced the words, trying to make sense of it. 

But nothing came to me. 

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I cried, slamming my palm against the wall. I leant my head against the cool marble and drew in a shaky breath. I have no idea what I'm doing here, or why. 

What did I do? Am I dead? Can someone please answer me? 

You're not dead . . . 

I nearly jumped out of my skin when the voice intruded my thoughts. But it wasn't just in my mind, it seemed to be rebounding off the walls, echoing around the room. 

"Then what is this?" I questioned, my voice trembling. 

You wanted help, here you have it. 

"What do you mean?"

 You haven't figured it out yet? I've been talking to you for weeks and you still don't get it. God you are so simple minded. 

Anger coiled in my stomach. Who does this voice think it is? Calling me simple minded! I could kick it's ass! 

But all will be revealed another day. Right now . . . I need you to listen. 

I crossed my arms and pouted, "Not until you at least give me some clue as to who the hell you are and why you're haunting my thoughts." 

Okay then . . . You probably don't remember but . . . 'There will always be a reason, a reason for laughter, a reason for tears, and a reason for love. Never forget the way they make you feel when they smile, or how they make you laugh. Never forget the way they can make you seem like the most important thing in the world, without even trying. And never forget that no matter what, there will be someone in the world who loves you . . . and that's me kiddo.' . . . that's your clue . . . if you remember then key points to you! 

"You're freaking me out here. I have no idea who the hell you are supposed to be! Have I gone crazy?" 

 No, you haven't. Just listen. Harry is going to die. 

I gasped, "WHAT? No he isn't! How do you know Harry?" 

QUIET! Listen . . . Harry is going to die . . . unless he gets some sort of help. Help that only you can provide. 

I gulped. I have a feeling this won't be good. "Like what?" 

That's for you to find out. For now . . . I think it'd be best if you returned to the real world for a while, they're starting to get a little frantic. 

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