16 - Don't Worry

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Louis POV

After I called Jessie she told me to check his vitals and his pulse and all that. He just passed out. Jessie said it was normal with most cases.

He just got so tired he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

I really hoped that's all it was. My heart almost stopped when his eyes shut and I couldn't get a reaction out of him, it almost killed me. But Anne had run into the room, she managed to calm me down and I called Jessie.

She told us she would be around to check up on him in around an hour or so. But I was still nervous. What if they found something wrong and it turned out he was in a coma or something? I can't deal with that! I need my Harry with me! I need him awake and I need him to be okay.

"Would you calm down Louis! Gosh you're making me nervous!" Anne snapped, thrusting a cup in front of me.

I looked down into the cup of tea and sighed, "I'm sorry, it's just you weren't there. He was trying so hard to stay awake but he just . . . couldn't. It was horrifying."

"What did he say again when you went up?" Gemma asked. She had arrived home not long after the whole Harry incident. I don't even know what she does, just shows how well I know Harry's family.

"He said 'Everything Hurts' and then he passed out."

Anne and Gemma shared a look and simultaneously took sips out of their cups. They looked like they knew something, but that can't be true because if they did they would've told me. Right?

I was about to ask what they knew when a loud knock disturbed the silence. "I'll get it!" I cried, jumping to my feet and running to the door. I pulled it open in record time.

"Where is he?" Jessie demanded, looking stern. I pointed towards the stairs and watched in surprise as she pushed past me.

I was even more surprised at seeing Zayn following her. What is he doing here? Why isn't he at the hospital?

"Anne! Get some water!"

The call snapped me out of my daze and I slammed the door, legging it towards the stairs.

Harry was sitting upright in bed, coughing his lungs up into a small container. Zayn was rubbing his back and Jessie was kneeling next to the bed.

"Harry!" I gasped, watching as more bile erupted from his throat.

He groaned and pushed the container away, looking sleepily at me, "Lou?"

I let out a sigh of relief as I rushed over to the bed, knocking Zayn out of the way in the process.

"Hey." He croaked, letting out another cough.


"It's good to see you."

I let out a chuckle, "Good to see you too babe."

"How do you feel Haz?" Zayn asked, kneeling beside Jessie.

He shrugged, coughing again, "I've been better. But I feel a lot better than I did."

"That's good." Anne's voice came from the doorway and I noticed for the first time that her and Gemma had appeared.

"This usually happens when the patient gets overttired or hasn't been sleeping properly. I'll prescribe some sleeping pills, they should help. Anne would you be able to go and pick them up from the chemist tomorrow?"

Anne gave a stiff nod, studying her son carefully, "He will be alright? Won't he?" 

Jessie sighed, "Yes, he will be for now." 

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