CHAPTER V - Referees and Twelves

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"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it is going to be a butterfly,"

Buckminster Fuller

~ "You're worth twelve of Malfoy," Harry said

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~ "You're worth twelve of Malfoy," Harry said. "The Sorting Hat chose you for Gryffindor. And where's Malfoy? In stinking Slytherin," 

Neville smiled a weak smile. He gave Harry the Famous Wizard Card from the Chocolate Frog Harry had given him and went up to the dorms. Harry looked at it. It was Dumbledore, the first-ever he had gotten--

"I've found him!" he whispered. "I've found Flamel!"

"A stone that makes gold and stops you ever dying! No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it!"

"Stop it, Mr Malfoy," said Snape lazily in Potions class, when Malfoy had started to tease Harry about the coming Quidditch match again. Snape would be refereeing the match, of course the Slytherins were smug. 

"Ron, look, the game's over, Harry's won!" Hermione shrieked. She was too busy hugging Parvati Patil to notice Ron, Malfoy and Neville on the floor, Neville out cold, Ron panting and bloody, and Malfoy with a black eye, cussing internally at Severus Snape and The Boss. 

As Harry went alone to the broomshed to part his Nimbus 2000, he saw a hooded figure coming swiftly down the steps to the castle and enter the Forbidden Forrest. He recognized that straight, up-tight walk ... Snape ... 

Harry jumped back on his broom and took off. Gliding over the castle, he saw Snape enter the castle at a run. He followed. 

He flew over the deeper parts of Forrest, lower and lower, until he heard voices. He landed his broom in a towering beech tree and climbed carefully toward the voices, broom in hand. 

In a shadowed clearing stood Snape, but he wasn't alone. Quirrell was there too; though Harry couldn't see his face, he heard him stutter worse than ever. 

'So we were right, it is the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape's trying to force Quirrell to help him get it. He asked if he knew how to get past Fluffy – and he said something about Quirrell's "hocus-pocus" – I reckon there are other things guarding the stone apart from Fluffy, loads of enchantments, probably, and Quirrell would have done some anti-Dark Arts spell which Snape needs to breakthrough –'

'So you mean the Stone's only safe as long as Quirrell stands upto Snape?' said Hermione in alarm.

'It'll be gone by next Tuesday,' said Ron.

Quirrell turned out to be braver than they thought. Snape wasn't in his usual good mood, either. And the fact that he and his sister were here was also proof that the Stone was still safe. 

Just when they thought everything was going to be good, it was ruined:

Hagrid won a Norwegian Ridgeback. 

They asked Charlie Weasley to take it. 

Norbert burnt Ron's hand. 

Malfoy took the book in which the letter from Charlie was hidden. 

Harry, Hermione, Neville and Malfoy got fifty points deducted from their houses, each, and detentions. 


It's too short, isn't it? Meh.

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