CHAPTER II - Goblins and Trolls

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"Back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts to magical feasts,"

Goblin Sayings

~ "Hagrid, what did you take from the vault that was broken into?" asked Harry flatly

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~ "Hagrid, what did you take from the vault that was broken into?" asked Harry flatly. He may be a skinny eleven-year-old who had spent his life in a cupboard, but in front of the right people, he could be clever. His comprehension of the Daily Prophet article certainly proved that. 

Hagrid spluttered indignantly before offering them another rock cake. Harry didn't take it, instead glaring at the huge man. "Tell me," he said through gritted teeth. 

"Why did have to throw us out?" exclaimed Harry, rubbing his back. Ron was still flat on the grass in front of Hagrid's cabin. Harry thought he heard the redhead curse him. 

Harry had just flown out of turn, gotten close to breaking his neck and knocking Draco Malfoy out of the air. But he still had been made the youngest Seeker in a century or two. He just loved this castle. 

Harry had just shoved Ron into a girl's loo. Desperate troll-invested times call for desperate measures. 

A voice interrupted Professor McGonagall's lecture. 

"Professor, they came to save me," said Hermione. She was looking like an innocent puppy, but her eyes shone with a mischievous gleam that was mirrored in Snape's. What Harry and Ron couldn't see, though, was that a furious battle was raging in the know-it-all's head right now. Whether to lie and take the blame on herself, or do the Gryffindorish thing and say the truth. She looked at the Potions Master appealingly. He winked and mouthed "The truth," Hermione took a deep breath and said, "Professor McGonagall, all the students, including Ron here, were really - y'know - like, furious or jealous that I was a know-it-all. I didn't have any friends, and I was really upset, so I came in here ... but then the troll came and I didn't know so Harry and Ron decided to save me! And without them, I'd probably be dead; Merlin knew the troll would attack a bathroom!" She seemed to have done it. No, she really had done it. McGonagall gave Gryffindor twenty points for bravery. Each. And the day was over without real harm. 

Except that it wasn't. 

"Hermione," said Harry thoughtfully. "wanna be friends?" He looked up at the brunette. 

"Yes, of course!" she said brightly. The newly formed trio, which would, one day, be known as the 'Golden Trio', climbed in through the portrait hole and had dinner amidst the chatting of their fellow Gryffindors. Hogwarts truly was their home. 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were standing around a magically-conjured fire when Severus Snape came limping across the lawn. The trio edged closer around the fire; they were certain it wouldn't be allowed. He limped over. "What is that Mr Potter?" he asked tiredly. 

It was Quidditch Through The Ages. Harry showed him. 

"I'll have to take it, Harry, library books are not allowed outside school," he said, again tiredly, extending a hand. Harry wanted to argue but decided against it. He knew that Snape was just doing his job; however troublemaking his nature may be, he tended to follow basic rules at least. Harry reluctantly handed over the book to the twenty-nine-year-old. (Yeah, he's under thirty) 

As Severus limped away Harry muttered to the other two, "Wonder what's wrong with his leg," 

Ron and Hermione shrugged simultaneously. 

Harry was restless that night. He wanted Quidditch Through The Ages back. He was sure Professor Snape wouldn't refuse. He told the other two where he was going and set off in the direction of the Staff Room, where he guessed Snape would be at this hour. 

As he reached the Staff Room door, he pushed in and peered inside - a horrible scene met his eyes. 

Snape was in there with his sister, all alone. He was holding his robes above his knees. One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Severina was bandaging her brother gently. 

"Blasted thing," Severus was saying. "How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?"

Harry tried to close the door noiselessly but --


Severus's eyes were wide and his face was shocked. His sister ... it was very hard to tell what she was feeling. Her eyes immediately went blank and so did her face. 

"I just wondered if I could have my book back," 

"You won't tell anyone about this," said Severus in a low, dangerous tone. Harry felt like taking a step back. "Now get out this instance. OUT!"

"So all this adds up to one conclusion," sighed Hermione. Harry had told her and Ron about what he had just seen and they had been musing for a while. 

"What?" said Ron. 

"That these Snape siblings are feigning their good behaviour. They've probably been after an opportunity to make a fortune here for years. And the woman's a Seer. She probably knew they'd keep something valuable here since they started work. Possibly longer," 

"But Hermione--" started Harry, but was interrupted by Hermione's snappish reply of "Then conclude all this yourself, if you think there's a better explanation!" 

Hermione's bluebell flames had saved the day, although Snape had been using his full potential to curse Harry off his broom.

"So Snape's trying to steal whatever's in the castle, and someone called Nicholas Flamel's involved!" said Harry triumphantly. 

This time they landed face-down in the pumpkin patch. 


Severus's POV

As Draco Malfoy taunted Harry again on having no proper family, I smirked to myself. Malfoys were the best liars you'd find on Earth, apart from him and Zane, of course. The Plan was perfect. For once, our Lord knew what he was doing. For centuries, it had been this way: save the humans and sacrifice yourself. But this time it was different. Every human that lost their life was a blessing to them, to the People. 

He had been there when she had lost her life. 

He had watched the light leave her eyes. 

And you mark my words, he loved it. 


😁 I'm being as vague as vague can be. 


Also, I'm not really sure which songs to add. Just forgive me, OK? I have brilliant songs for the chapters I've rehearsed while playing Pretend. (I have siblings who are more than a decade older than me, so yeah, I play Pretend. A lot.) 

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