I Hate Goodbyes

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I woke up to a ship coming onto the shore. It was loud. A man walked off of it. I looked back and saw Felix, Peter, Angel, and the rest of the lost boys emerge from the forest. Felix ran to me and helped me up.

"You alright?" He asked. I nodded and brushed the sand from my dress. I looked back to the ship and squinted my eyes. The man was walking over to us. He stopped in front of me.

"Bloody hell aren't you gorgeous." I rolled my eyes and then realized... that's him.

"Killian Jones." He introduced himself. He extended a hand to me. I shook it. Felix stepped up but I pushed him away.

"What do you want Hook?" Peter inquired. Captain Hook. Captain fucking Hook looks like that?

"That is simple. I'm taking a long break My crew died so I'm staying here." I smiled inside.

"We have a few conditions." Peter stated. Killian rolled his eyes.


"Actually, just one. Don't be an arogant ass hole."

"Alright... no promises... but I'll try." He said I laughed a little.

"Jesse." I heard Felix say. "Can I talk to you?" I nodded. He took me into the forest.

"You like him don't you?" He said.

"Felix, I have to tell y-" He cut me off by grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into a kiss. "What the hell?"

"I I just wanted to see if I felt anything.''

"Did you?"


"Felix... are you okay."

"I'm fine and I still care about you. I just love someone else."


"A girl from New York. Her name is Brandy."

"Oh! Well I'm so ha-"

"I'm going to stay with her."


"I'm leaving... today. I told her I would and she was so happy." Tears came to my eyes. He was my best friend.

"No. You can't l..." I started to cry.

"Goodbye Bright Eyes. I'll be seeing you." Her started to walk away.

"Felix." I managed to say. He turned around. I ran into his arms. I kept saying 'please don't go' over and over. He let go of me walked away. "Good bye." I whispered. I walked back out tears falling.


"He's leaving..." I said with no expression. Peter ran back to the forest with everyone else and left Killian and I standing alone.

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