Sharks Are More Alive at Night

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Felix took me to where he always sleeps. It was a like a hut. He took me inside and told me I could sleep in here with him. I laid down on the hammock and he lay next to me. He turned away and I felt... alone. His bare muscular scarred back was facing me. I placed a shaky hand in his unruly blonde hair..... it didn't feel right but I kept on doing it. 

"What's wrong?" He turned around.

"Nothing..." I took my hand from his hair  and placed it on his chest. It didn't feel like love. He smiled his classic crooked smile and took my hand. I looked down. He lay on his back and pulled me to him. My head rested on his chest.

"Bright Eyes?" He whispered. I put my chin on his chest and looked up at him. "D-do you love me?"

"I just met you, Felix."Ho nodded. "Do you love me?" I asked. 

"I don't know... I care for you."

"As do I."

"Good..." I heard the sleepiness in his voice. 

"Night..." I said.

"Good night... Bright Eyes..."


I could't sleep . I looked at Felix. He was sleeping soundly. Slowly and carefully, I got up and tip- toed out to the beach. When I got there, I plopped on the sand. I put my face in my hands. 

"It's a lot to take in isn't it?" I heard a voice. I looked behind me. "I'm Angel."

"Jesse." I looked back

"I know." It was silent. She sat down next to me. "Did you know..." She pointed at the water. "The sharks are more active... alive at night?" I went into deep thought about being attached by a shark. I shook my head from the thought. 

"Why do you hate Peter so much?" I asked. "You act like a bitch to him." She laughed.

"I don't hate him. I'm just waiting for him to tell me he loves me. And when he does... I feel like fireworks would erupt across the sky. I'll be so happy."

"I bet he will."


"Yeah. He can't hide it for long."

"Thanks." We laughed. "So what's up with you and Felix?"

"Nothing. I just met him. I know he isn't for me. He isn't who I want to be with. We're just very close. I know that sounds crazy."

"No it isn't. Who is it that you want to be with?"

"I'll know when I see him." She nodded and yawned. 

"I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow?" She asked.

"See you tomorrow." I said. She got up and walked back into the forest. I sat and stared at the water and counted each wave that I heard crash until I fell asleep.

A/N This may be the last chapter until tomorrow or Saturday. I don't know. I just want to say thanks again for the reads and votes. I love you guys! 

Sneak peak for chapter 8- Someone new is coming to the story and someone is going to say they're leaving. I'm not naming who.

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