Chapter 10: You will always be enough

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~Ben's POV~
It's a good thing we got back when we did like; the second the boys and Lonnie went to put away the swords, Jane strolled up to us. "Ben! There you are. Cotillion is tonight!" Jane exclaimed, pulling me away from Mal, Millie, and Evie to show me the window." This is the glass window for Millie! It's just beautiful, isn't it? She's going to love it."

That is when I noticed a sigh from Millie, who now stood behind me. "Do you want to cancel?" Millie's head lifted, turning to look at me in deep thought as Mal and Evie waved goodbye and slid away.

"Um, you know what? I can come back, uh, like really soon." Jane said.

"Oh no,no, no. Now is fine, um.." I paused to turn back to Millie. "Do whatever you need to do."

~Millie's POV~
Suddenly Evie was there again beside me, and with Mal on one end, she pulled me away and placed her hand into mine. "Okay,we need to talk."

"Oh yeah," Mal added as we started to part ways from the boys but then again, not really.

"No." Was that Carlos I had just heard? Yup, it most certainly was. I flipped back around, followed by Mal and lastly Evie. He went on," You guys are always going off; off in a huddle somewhere whispering your girl talk or whatever, and Jay and I have grown tired of it."

"Let me correct that. He is tired of it. I have no problem with this whole ordeal. For all I care, this could continue for centuries." Jay added as we stood in an open field facing the boys now.

Carlos went on,"No Jay! We're your family too. We've been through a lot, together and that isn't going to stop now, okay? Everyone sit."

We all did just that, forming a circle in the grassy field. Evie wrapped her arm around Mal, rubbing her back with her hand and hugging me with the other.

Carlos and Jay followed us, sitting down too and letting Dude run about inside the circle. "I don't know how any of this works. How do we start girl talk?"

"What up?" Jay said.

Evie and Mal chuckled lightly; then it fell quiet again as everyone's eyes slowly turned to me. "Well, um, I'm a mess. I'm such a mess. I mean, six months ago, I was stealing candy from babies, and now everyone wants me to be this lady of the court, and I have no idea how to keep up the act."

"So don't. You see, this was dumb. Complete waste of time." Jay said. He started to stand back up, but Dude pushed him back onto the grass.

"Hold on, Jay, hold up. Maybe it wasn't." Evie added," We're always going to be the kids from the Isle. I've tried to forget it. Probably harder than I should've, but those are our roots. And we all did what we had to do to survive. But that is what made us who we are. Sure, we're never going to be like anyone else here, but that's okay. That is completely okay."

"And we can't fake it," Carlos added.

"Nope." Mal followed up with Carlos with a thought of her own.

"Yeah, I mean, especially without my spellbook," I muttered.

"No Mill, mother's spellbook. And that is the last thing you need, anyway." Mal said and threw herself onto me in a sisterly bear hug.

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