Chaper Seven: Unfortunate Fate

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~Millie’s POV~
“There’s no way we’re giving Uma the wand!” Evie exclaimed when I told everyone what had happened earlier at the shop with Uma. “We can’t just let her destroy Auradon!”

“Uma doesn’t get the wand, and Ben is toast, guys,” Carlos added.

“Right. So we’re going to give Uma, of all people, the wand..” Evie started, but then suddenly, Mal got an idea. Mal got a fantastic, awful idea. Well, in Uma’s case, anyway.

“Wait guys! The 3D printer!” Mal exclaimed.

“Great, my love. But the second Uma touches it; she’ll know it’s fake.” Evie concluded.

“So we just get Ben out really fast. We’ll need some kind of delusion,” Mal said.

“SMOKE BOMBS!” Jay exclaimed.

“That’s perfect! I’ll get the chemicals we need from Lady Tremaine’s place. That could work!” Evie said, then noticed my hair flipping to me. “Sick hair, by the way. Evil Stepmom’s really stepped up her game.”

I laughed. “Oh. You know what? Dizzy did this.”

“Little Dizzy. Shut up.” Evie said.

“I mean, yeah. I saw her do the whole transformation,” Mal added.

“I know! I’m loving it. It’s like so much lighter.” I admitted, running my fingers through my hair.

Carlos cleared his throat to get the attention of us three like he and Jay often found themselves doing. “Uh, hello.”

“Right! Carlos, Jay. Guys, meet us at Pirates Bay no later than noon. And you guys, losing is not an option because we’re rotten..” Mal started.

And as always, it ended with us all chanting the ending together.” To the core.”

~Mal’s POV~
The boys went back to the school to get the wand printed off the printer back in Auradon, and while Evie and I went to the salon, Millie sat back and did some more artwork with the cans of spray paint. 

I followed Evie inside the salon. Instead of finding Dizzy hard at work sweeping, this time, she looked as if she was crafting. Quietly, we slid into the salon, and then finally, seeing Evie on one side of her, Dizzy leaped to her feet. “EVIE! EVIE! You came back!”

“Hey! Great to see you too.” I added in a joking manner.

Dizzy went on,” Is it all just like we imagined? Do they really have closets you can walk into? Have you been into a natural swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like?”

At this moment in time, it seemed like I was invisible as little Dizzy flooded Evie with every question under the sun. And with a brief chuckle, Evie answered.” It’s cold, and it’s sweet. And if you eat it too fast, it gives you a headache.”

“Oh wow! Gee! Oh, I saved your sketchbook for you.” Dizzy recalled, running across the room and throwing it to Evie before running back.

“Oh, Dizzy! You really did.” Evie sat down at the desk, beginning to look through it.” Oh my gosh! I made this one out of an old curtain and safety pins.”

Dizzy nodded.” It reminds me of the one you made for Millie when she met Jasmine.”

“Reminds me of the same dress that Millie also spilled Curry all over.” I joked playfully at the unfortunate fate of my sister.

Dizzy and Evie laughed too, as Evie added,” Oh my god! That’s right! She did, M. Hah! You’re totally right, Dizzy! This was totally the inspiration for that.”

“I knew it!” Dizzy exclaimed. She began to hug Evie again, laying her head against E’s while I began to gather up more smoke bombs.” You can take the girl out of the isle. But you can’t take the isle out of the girl.”

Evie closed her sketchbook, placing a heart pin onto a gold chain in line with a bracelet. “Is it too much or just fabulous?”

“Are you kidding? Hand me the glue gun!”

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