Chapter 24

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   His remaining brothers all nodded and gulped, keeping their eyes from him. Avery got done with them and then turned to Faylinn. She avoided his eyes as he approached her. He stopped a foot away from her and put the end of the sceptor on the back of her head. "And as for you, my sweet Faylinn. You didn't appear to be fighting at my brother's like you originally did. If anything you welcomed them into your body. An explanation for me please."

   His voice was way too low and even for it to be safe. She sighed. "I'm sorry my king. Being confined to one man for this long has caused me to be aroused by any sexual contact from any other man."

   He retarded her for a moment and then smiled. "My king? I like that. You always know how to appeal to my better nature."

   She kept her head board, but then he lifted her chin with the sceptor and helped her up. He slammed the sceptor down on the ground and she was suddenly garbed in a long white gown that shown like the sun. Her hair was suddenly tied into a beautiful braid and she looked even prettier than before if that was possible.

   The expressions of the four remaining brothers were filled with longing and terror. They stilled lusted for Faylinn, but they were too afraid of Avery to try to get her again. They just stayed knelt down, bowing to their brother. Avery smiled and then flew up to the ledge we were kneeling on. Emera kept the rose towards him. He didn't approach, but he snarled at us. "You think you can keep that child safe?"

   I hugged Sprite's waist and narrowed my eyes at him. "If I can't then I'll die trying."

   Avery chuckled. "Them that's what will happen."

   He gestured to his brothers and Faylinn and they flew back to the tall circle of trees, disappearing again. I sighed and grabbed Sprite, gesturing for Emera to follow. On the way back to the village, Emera kept silent, but Sprite kept glancing at her angrily. I pulled up and looked at Emera. "Go ahead and tell her. I can feel how mad she is and its making me uncomfortable."

   Emera sighed and quickly told Sprite all that she had been forced to do. She explained to her that Avery had been forcing her to do it. Sprite listened until the end and themselves pathetically. "Why? Why has he been doing this? He forced my mother  to sell me to men, he's lied to me all my life, wasn't even born to my biological mother because of him, and now he's trying to steal my baby for himself and his dastardly plans to kill everyone I love."

   She sobbed wildly and I pulled her up into my chest, kissing her head. "It's okay. He can't get you as long as we have that rose with us."

   She nodded and I continued on, eventually arriving at the Drago village. Dad and mom welcomed us back and were quite startled at Emera's presence, but we assured them that she was totally harmless and actually protected us. Tyka was the center of attention once Sprite stepped down from my arms. Her and mother went into the kitchen space to cordle the baby girl while me and dad went outside. We sat on a sharp embanktent in the woods overlooking a tiny stream. Dad sighed and shook his head. "You found a way to deal with the big Seven yet."

   I smiled. "Yeah actually. That black rose will kill one on contact. Not to mention that Avery is causing all of them to tear each other apart. There's only five remaining now."

   Thyte nodded and scratched his neck. "I really need a drink right now. Raising a baby is hard. Not to mention with all this Faery shit going on, it's just stressful. I don't know how your mother did it without help."

   I patted his arm and then glanced up at the night sky. "It'll be fine. These Faerys have a weakness. We hold it in our hands. All we need now is to execute the plan."

   Dad glanced at me with a disbelieving face. "Plan? What plan?"

   I chuckled and crossed my arms. "Faerys were drove out of here when the Roselands were first created. By the Roselands creatures. I saw what the creatures were like back then. They were sick, injured, and had no idea how to use their abilities, but now we do. If those ragtag bunches of creatures could drive them out before, we can do it now. I've spread the word of the Faerys presence and I've made pacts with all the tribe leaders. We need to storm the center of the Roselands the day that the Faerys attack and I'll have that rose with us to take down the main five still alive."

   Dad paused and then sighed. "If you think it'll work I'm with you all the way, but where will Sprite be during all this. She needs the rose to be safe. You need the rose to kill the Faerys."

   I bit my lip. "Sprites baby should be due in about five days. From what I gathernd from Damond, Faylinn, and Emera, the Faerys shouldn't attack for another week. I'm sure that after the attack has begun, Avery can't use the baby to work it anymore. I don't know. I'm winging this part right now."

   Dad glanced at me and rubbed my back. "Well, we're not gonna get anything done just sitting here. Let's go get a quick drink."

   I cocked my head and followed dad. Aside from wine, I'd never had any good alcohol. Me and dad walked down to the bar near the edge of the Drago village and as we walked in, the smell of sweat and blood wanted over me while the sounds of growls and laughter echoed around in my head. We walked up to the bar where a small female smiled at us. "What can I get ya?"

   I didn't hear what dad ordered, but once the bandaid brought it back, I got really excited. My first ever beer. Dad smiled and gestured to it, holding his beer up to me. "Cheers." I touched my cup to his and took a swig. As soon as I swallowed, I couldn't wait to take another sip. It was the best thing I'd ever had.

   One sip led to another and soon as I'd emptied one, dad kept the rounds coming. I lost count of how many I drank and I lost count of him many minutes must have passed, but suddenly everything went black and I couldn't remember a thing.

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