Chapter 14

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   "Wait? What's happening now?"

   I sighed and wiped the sweat from my brow as I stood in front of Blackvein's throne. His soldiers watched me and I saw their eyes flicker nervously. "Faerys are planning a takeover. They've already set the plan in motion because they plan on using me and Sprites child as some sort of catalyst for the magic they use. I can't explain it beyond what I was told."

   Blackvein nodded. "Told by whom?"

   "You're not gonna believe it, but a hybrid Faery in my dreams who gave me as much information as he knew."

   Blackvein sighed and shook his head. "What do we do?"

   "Just warn your people that weird things are happening. Don't let this go unnoticed."

   He nodded and then pulled his necklace of his neck. "Here. It's the tooth of a possessed Histakil. It was given to me to ward off evil magical spirits such as Faerys. Maybe you'll be able to use it."

   I thanked him for it and took my leave. It had been three days since I'd walked into my destroyed village. I'd planned on leaving yesterday, but due to mom having labor pains this morning, I'd been stalled. The baby was due by tonight and I'd promised dad I'd be there. It was getting close to sunset now so I ventured over to the Drago hospital area to see how dad was holding up.

   As I pushed past the heavy curtain, I could just make out moms screams in the back room. Dad sat in this main area by himself, wringing his fingers together. He looked up and released his breath. "Thank God you're here. They told me it's really close."

   As if by magic, dads words came true. We heard the screaming stop, replaced by quieter wailing. Dad's entire wings ruffled and I saw every hair on his neck and arms raise up straight. A few minutes later, a Drago nurse, a small one at that, came out and smiled. "You may view now."

   Dad rushed in front of me and I followed close behind. We were led to a large room near the back which was where most brrthing rooms were. The wailing had stopped and was replaced by my mother's cooing and praises. We walked in and I felt like my insides had turned into feathers.

   My mother lay there, cradling the smallest little baby I'd ever seen. Dad paused as he passed through the door, but he continued inward when I shoved him hard. He slowly went to my mother's side and she smiled at him. I knelt on the other side and she giggled at me. "It's a girl. Just like I wanted."

   I snapped my fingers. "Darn. I had my hopes up."

   Dad smiled at the little baby and mother silently handed her to him. His brain seemed to stall and he didn't know how to hold her so mom had to practically situate his arms for him. "See? Not so hard."

   He nervously held the baby close and then smiled down at her, happily whispering to her. "Hey there! Welcome to the world little girl."

   After a few minutes of dad carefully holding her like she was a paper thin piece of priceless glass, mom retrieved her and then handed her to me. I smiled and cradled her in the crook of my elbow with my other arm holding her to my chest. The little girl lay with her eyes scrunched closed, but as I leaned in close to her face to kiss her nose, they peeked open a bit. I smiled brightly and turned so my parents could see. "Look!"

   She softly opened her eyes and looked around, but her eyes fell on me. She studied me for a moment and then sneezed the most adorable sneeze I'd ever heard or seen. I was about to coo over her more when a wave of depression hit me hard in the chest.


   I could be having this moment in a few weeks if her people hadn't ripped her away from me. I closed my eyes and handed the baby back to mom, feeling a lump form in my throat and tears filling my eyes. I rushed into the hall and pushed my way out of the front door, flapping into the air.

   Once alone, the tears fell. They fell and fell and fell. I cried for ages until I had to land in a tree to keep myself from plummeting from the sky in sorrow. I lay across the branches, sobbing and crying my eyes out as my grief took over officially.

   Suddenly, a tiny hand touched me and I gasped, lurching upwards. In front of me sat a little Ghaght. His squirrel tail and big eyes were a dead giveaway. He was obviously no older than ten, but he had intelligent eyes. "What's wrong?"

   I took a deep breath and shook my head. "The love of my life was stolen from me. I guess only now has the depression totally hit me."

   He paused, clearly confused as to what to do, but then he crawled over and curled up on my lap. "It'll be okay."

   I had to smile at the kind little creature. I stroked him and he squeaked in happiness before peeking up his ears and bounding off through the trees to a mother who had appeared far enough away that she didn't see me. I waited until they were gone before taking a deep breath and flying into the air. That little Ghaght was right. Everything was gonna be okay. Because I was going to fight back. I would raise up my army of creatures and storm the Faerys. But this time they wouldn't be able to recover.

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