Chapter 17

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   Time for my last challenge. The Fockses. No one really trusted these things. Especially not me. The only Focks I trusted was Ginger and she was a hybrid. Her father is even a little devious for someone who has never tried to harm us. I was always a bit wary of Fockses because mom had apparently almost been assaulted by two in her lifetime. It was funny that dad had killed both.

   I soared low over the trees, looking for any indicators to where their main home would be. Suddenly, I heard a loud bark like a dog. Branches began creaking and I didn't get a chance to scream before I was engulfed in a net that exploded from the tree cover. I grunted and flexed my wings, but they are trapped against my body, pinned and useless. I fell to the forest floor and tons of furry bodies fell on me at once. Growls and barks could be heard, but suddenly a voice yelled out over them. "Off! Now!"

   The Fockses engulfing me leapt off and scampered away a distance, snarling vicariously. I looked up, expecting  pretty much what was standing there. A nasty Focks stood above me, one eye completely gone and covered with an eyepatch while the other one was icy blue. His entire body was slim and muscular and he wore only a pair of pants with a sharp sword tucked into the belt.

   He snarled at me. "What're you doin here Zytrey?"

   I grunted and held up my hands as best I could. "I just need to speak with whoevers in charge here."

   "Well then spit it out! I'm already talkin to ya!"

   I winced at the sharp tone of his voice. "I was just spreading the word around that Faerys are planning a takeover. What you decide to do is for you to decide. Now please let me go. That's all I was here for."

   He growled. "Fuck the Faerys. If they decide to take over, then they can have at it. It'd save us our pitiful existence. Food is scarce for us since we can't go beyond most of our borders."

   He paused and looked closely at me, drool forming on his lips. "Come to think of it…what do you think Zytrey would taste like?"

   I froze in fear as the Fockses around me and him began howling and yipping for all they were worth. I was drug unceremoniously through the forest until I was brought to a huge bowled out clearing surrounded by brambles. In the center was a ginormous fire pit.

   I fought at the ropes around me, but I knew my end was imminent. I'd never be able to rescue Sprite now simply because I'd gotten eaten by Fockses!

   They began ripping me from the netting when we all heard a tiny voice.


   Everything paused and we glanced down. Ginger stood there, a stuffed fox in her arms.

   "Let him go!"

   The Fockses holding me immediately let me go and they backed away, tails lowered and ear a pinned back in fear. Ginger's father, Vilt, approached me and helped me away from the eyepatched Focks. "My apologies. I'm terribly sorry that you had to encounter Dragger first. If he told you he's the leader, he's not. I am."

   I nodded and got my breath back. I hadn't believed I had survived for a second. Ginger smiled up at me and hugged my leg, jumping up to be held. I laughed and hauled her into my arms. Vilt turned and snarled at his people. "Anyone who touches this Zytrey is a dead Focks! Now go back to your everyday duties!"

   Once everyone had resumed their work, Vilt took me back into a small cave in the edge of the bowl. Smoke wafted out of the door and I smelled stew. As we walked in, I spotted a very lovely human woman standing by the stove, humming as she cooked. She glanced over and jumped. "Oh! I wasn't expecting guests, Vilt. You need to tell me these things."

   Vilt went over and hugged her. "I wasn't expecting him either, sweetpea."

   They eyed each other like a couple who planned to kiss, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to look when they did. Fockses basically had fox heads on furry human bodies. I'm not sure how a human would kiss a long pointed snout romantically. But as I watched, she simply turned her head and he licked her cheek.

   Ew. Romance between a woman and a dog. How could something so gross looking have brought sweet Ginger into this world? Once they had finished up their display, the woman turned to me and Vilt introduced her. "This is my wife Nayna."

   I nodded to her and then sighed, glancing around. "I really need to leave. I need to get back home and plan a way to get Sprite back. That and mom and dad had their baby a few days ago. I probably need to get home before they start to worry. Although they probably already have since I haven't seen them since then. Anyway, bye."

   I waved quickly before getting my feathery ass out of there. I didn't like this tribe and I would never come back to this place again. Not for fear of being caught and roasted on a spit like a chicken. I flew fast over the trees, but something caught my eye down below. It looked liked someone was flashing me in the face with a piece of glass or metal. I fluttered down and landed in a tree, only to be scared out of the foliage by Emera.

   "Zeek!" She yelled out right as I plummeted to the ground in terror.

   I landed on my back and grunted, but then I silenced as she began talking. "Zeek, I'm sorry for not keeping up, but I think the Faerys will be returning Sprite temporarily back to this world. I can't say for certain, but I hear voices through the black rose. It's an ability I have as a restless spirit."

   I brightened up. "Really? What're the voices saying?"

   "They keep getting loud and frustrated and I hear them mentioning how to accelerate the gestation to a few days, but they can't for fear of hurting or killing Sprite. So they'll be returning her soon. Probably right back where they found her from, but this is only a thought for now."

   I jumped forward to hug her, but ended up falling through her form instead. She laughed and held the black rose closer to her chest. "Sadly this is the only thin  I can hug now. You're welcome though. I'll be in touch. Right now I'm just wandering, getting in touch with nature."

   I chuckled. "Well, I suppose you could say you're just studying the strange life around here?"


   "Well I'll leave you to that."

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