11. Elle

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Hey lovelies,

Obviously a quick update, but the reasoning behind this was that this chapter was already half written. I explain more at the end.

As always, if you think it deserves it, leave it a review/comment or vote.

This is a massive chapter (4k words)....tissues may be needed.


Elle POV

'Are you really sure that you wanna do this?', Lee asked as we walked around, eyeing the various bikes at the dealership. 'I mean, I know you got a job and all....but wouldn't you rather upgrade your car?'

I rolled my eyes as I ran my hand along one of the bikes, 'Blame Noah I guess. There's just something different about being on a bike'

'I guess if it's want you want. Why did I need to come though?' he laughed. 'I'm back in LA for a week and you would rather go motorcycle shopping than take me out for lunch?'

'Hey, your the one that wanted to spend 'bestie' time together, besides I already know what I want....I just need moral support for signing on the dotted line', I smiled as I pointed out that one that I had looked at previously and motioned Lee over. I patted the seat as I grinned and I watched him raise an eyebrow.

'That one?', he asked as I nodded. 'Really?'

I sighed dramatically as I waved at the sales attendant as he started to walk over. 'It has nothing to do with Noah. I know it looks like his, but it's not exactly like his. Besides, I know how to drive Noah's bike, so I wanted something that I felt comfortable with using. I mean, safe right?'

Lee laughed as he shrugged his shoulder, 'Sure Elle. If that's the way that you want to spin this.....'

To be honest, I really did love Noah's bike and those few months where he had left it with me while he was away at Harvard had been great. Although I gave my Dad and June numerous heart attacks when Noah had left it to me, I was a confident driver. Somehow I felt more confident on the bike than I did in a care and there was just something so freeing about feeling the wind on your face and in your hair as I travelled up the coast. Along with everything else in the breakup, losing the bike hurt as well. I knew Noah had hinted to June to suggest to me to take the bike out while he was away at Harvard, realistically no one else knew how to drive the thing and I think he was worried about his poor baby failing on him because of neglect while he was away in Boston.

But I couldn't bring myself to do it.

So even though I loved Noah's bike, I knew that in the end if I got my own, I would love it even more. This had been on the cards for a very long time, I was just waiting for a few things to be locked into place before I finally signed on the dotted line and took her home.

'I see we are back', the attendant grinned and I nodded eagerly. 'Yep. Not that I really needed to go away and think about it anyway', as I stroked the seat.

He looked towards Lee, 'Are you buying today too'

Lee scoffed, 'You have the wrong Flynn for that....'. I punched him in the arm, as he groaned, 'Ignore him'

The attendant looked at the banter between the two of us, before motioning us politely towards the office, 'Let's go do the paperwork' and less than half an hour later it was all mine.


After a big day out with Lee and a promise to pick up my baby at the end of the week, I collapsed onto my couch utterly exhausted. I could feel the smile on my face and I couldn't wait to grab the bike and head down for a drive along the coast. I had missed that elated feeling so much!

Letting her go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do....Where stories live. Discover now