4. Elle

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Hey Lovelies,
Thank you for the support always.
There's something about this chapter that I really do love.....
AliciaRuby90 x

Elle POV

'Merry Christmas!!', Lee grinned as he swung open the door to the Flynn Mansion.

'Merry Christmas', we echoed as we headed inside, Lee giving me a tight hug after I piled in behind my Dad, Linda and Brad.

'Merry Christmas bestie', he laughed as he squeezed me tight.

'Merry Christmas bestie', as I squeezed him right back. I was so happy to have him back home. Berkley had finished up from the break, and he wasn't due back until the New Year.

We could hear the chatter coming from the kitchen, as Lee motioned toward there. There was one voice though, that I couldn't hear through the choruses of 'Merry Christmas' and 'Smells good!'.

Even though it was Christmas, I hadn't slept all that great last night. This was the first time that I was going to be seeing Noah since summer and even though I wasn't a lot nervous, I just didn't know how to act. I didn't want it to be weird and awkward, but I didn't want it to be forced. June was adamant that tradition would stay the same, and like always the Flynn's and the Evan's would be celebrating Christmas together.

'He's upstairs. He got in late last night, so he'll be down soon. Relax, okay?' Lee said.

'It's fine Lee. We're adults', I shot back as we breezed into the kitchen and I went and wished Matthew and June a Merry Christmas. June gave me an extra big hug and I knowing look. I rolled my eyes as I laughed - seriously, I was okay. We could both do this. I gave a quick hug to Matthew, before motioning to Lee to give me a quick second, as I went to dump whatever was in my hands along with my bag in the room with the presents and tree.

I let me my feet carry me into the other room, dropping my bag and reorganising our gifts that Brad had managed to fling wherever. I grinned at the enormity of the the tree and the gifts stacked under it, as usual everyone had gone all out as always. I stood up, in desperate need of a drink, as I ran my hand through my hair, fixing the frizziness as I caught a pair of blue eyes staring back at me. His hands were shoved into his pockets. His hair was longer.

'Hey', he called as he gave me a half wave.

'Hey', I grinned. I couldn't help the smile that came over my face. I don't think that would have changed regardless. 'Merry Christmas and welcome home!'

'Merry Christmas', he smiled, 'Thanks. Good to be back for a break'.

'Harvard kicking your butt?', I asked as I took a few steps towards him as he nodded.

'The last couple of weeks yeah. How about you? School? How's USC treating you?'

'Good. I really love it. The program has just started, so it's only been a couple of months, but I like how it's designed and I've got a lot of creative freedom to design something and who knows, it might get picked up....' I tried to reign my babbling in just a little. I really did love what I was doing.

'Nice. Well there's nothing that you can't do....so I'm sure I'll probably be seeing you name on some game some day. Least I can have some bragging rights to say I know you...', he smirked.

I was totally aware the we were literally having a conversation in the corridor, but I don't think either of us were totally ready to go back the masses just yet.

'We probably should...', I motioned towards the kitchen and he sighed.

'Yeah, we should'

I took the pause as a sign to move, but I had only taken one or two steps before I heard him call my name. I looked towards him and he continued.

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