9. Elle

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Hey lovelies,

You are all amazing! Thank you for the love for 'Letting her go' and also 'Dear Elle', which has hit over 30k views.....super appreciative to all who have taken the time to read, comment and vote. The Watty's close on the 30th - so fingers crossed for 'Dear Elle' to be shortlisted.

This chapter is a bit heavy, obviously things are never light and bright all the time.....but you know me, happily ever after always wins out. As always, if you love what you read and think it deserves it - leave it a vote and/or comment.

See you soon,

AliciaRuby90 x

Elle POV

'I can't believe you still haven't finished moving in properly', David laughed as he finished carrying in the last of the boxes, and laid them by the sofa.

'Look, I haven't had the place for long and I've had alot of the things on my plate okay? The wedding, school....', he accepted the cup of coffee that I gave him, as I let my own cup rest of the coffee table and got to work opening up the boxes. 'It's not like the furniture wasn't here....it was just a matter of everything else...'

'Sorry, Miss Wedding Planner. I'm surprised you didn't get offers from others last weekend. Apparently your wasted away in gaming design....', he laughed as I threw rolled up newspaper at hime.

I loved my apartment and knew it was mine as soon as I had found the place. There was just something about it, and it happened to go on the market at the perfect time. I had closed on the property a few weeks before Dad and Linda's wedding and managed to get most of the furniture I needed in. Everything else, just had to wait as the wedding needed my attention - but now that was over, I could make this little apartment a home.

It was a two bedroom apartment, that was in one of the smaller buildings around twenty minutes from campus. It had everything I needed including a kitchen, living area and balcony. It was my bedroom that I fell in love with, it had a reading nook that overlooked one of the large windows and I was sold. Since the building was older, the apartment was more heritage in features but with all the modern things that I needed in the bathroom and kitchen. I really did love it and was super excited to just be by myself.....even though Lee has already called dibs on a sleepover next time he was in LA.

'Okay, let's get to work', David motioned as he drained his mug, before setting it down and making a beeline towards one of the heavier boxes. I was a really crap packer and I had been at the stage where I was just throwing things that I thought would make sense into boxes, combined with half the staff that I had bought....I really didn't know what was what and what he was going to start pulling out.

'Looks to be photos', he said as I turned back to him 'Where do you want these?'

'Ummmm...', I ran my hands through my hair as I surveyed my living room. 'Most of them should be in frames so they can either sit on the buffet or the little shelves. Just put them up and I can rearrange later'

He gave me a mock salute as I rolled my eyes and went back to unloading kitchen stuff. It was quiet for a few minutes, before David walked into he kitchen carrying a frame. 'So, I know it's none of my business....but I know that is Lee and I'm assuming.....this is Noah?'

The frame he had placed down on the bench was from that summer.

'You would be correct', I said as I laid the trays I had in my hand down, as I leaned against the bench. 'You kinda found part two of that photo. There is a part one.....'

'I gathered when I saw the black and white photo, that's kinda in the same frame'. I nodded at his response 'Yeah, the summer before Lee and I took off to College and everything was changing.....I got the boys to recreate that photo for June. The original photo is still on the wall at the beach house. I took a copy and I think Lee has one as well....'

Letting her go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do....Where stories live. Discover now