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Three days flew by, and it was now time for Wooyoung to go over to San's apartment. They were going to take San's car to the concert, but since it was early, San decided to they could just chill at his place for a bit.

Wooyoung was the opposite of chill, as he was so excited and energetic to finally go to a concert of his favorite band. San had tried to calm the giddy younger, to no avail, so he just let the jumpy male be, up until it was time to go to the concert.

"Woo, it's still quite early, we could just-"

"No! I can't wait anymore, Sannie~"

San sighed, "Okay, I guess. Get your stuff, we're going to get a drink first." Wooyoung nodded, ready to leave.

As San said, they went to a nearby starbucks, and ordered two drinks, but ordered a decaf for Wooyoung, since, well... He was energetic enough, to be honest.

"Here you go, Young-ah," San said as he handed him the fruity drink.

"Thanks," Wooyoung replied before taking a huge sip of the drink, sighing in content.

San smiled at the boy, "glad you're satisfied."

Wooyoung smiled at San back, holding his hand that was placed on the gear. He leaned in to place a kiss on San's cheek, and whisper a small 'thank you', making the older unable to contain himself, as he connected their lips in a kiss. Although it was short, there was a prominent kissing sound that San got obsessed with hearing as long as it was him and Wooyoung; in this moment, alone.

Pulling away, they grinned at each other, before San spoke up. "Ready to go?" Wooyoung nodded, and they were on their way to the concert.

• time skip •

They made their way to where the concert was being held, and since they were in fact early, they had to wait a bit outside, before they were allowed in. Quickly filing in like the rest of the fans, Wooyoung was amazed at the stadium and the size of the stage in front of them.

"If I weren't a model, I'd wanna be an idol," Wooyoung said dreamily.

San beamed at him and patted his back, "maybe you can be both." Wooyoung smiled at the older, before they found their seat among the ruckus and swarming fans. Finally getting there, San was impressed by their seats, "wow. Yunho chose well," he nodded proudly to himself, turning back to see Wooyoung's reaction. Seeing the galaxy in his eyes, he knew he loved it, he didn't even need to voice it out.

Eventually the show started, and Wooyoung started getting so jumpy, San couldn't focus on the show, rather he enjoyed the view of a happy Wooyoung much more. He watched the younger shout out the lyrics to every song like his voice depended on it. He saw him fangirling over the members, and watched him wave his hand side to side. He was even more impressed when he started dancing the same choreography the boys on stage were.

Said you weren't a dancer, Woo. San thought to himself, as he continued to watch how Wooyoung glide across the floor, not taking up too much space as to not abrupt other people's experience at the show. Oh, how considerate.

San didn't even notice it was the end of the show until Wooyoung sighed and wiped the sweat off the side of his head, and clung his aching body to San's, who held him up quickly, before they started walking away. The whole way to the parked car, Wooyoung was going on and on about the events that happened in the show.

"Did you see how Jimin waved at us!" Wooyoung couldn't contain his glee. Could've been anyone, San wanted to say, but didn't want to ruin Wooyoung's mood, so he kept quiet. "Gosh, that was the best first date I've ever been on!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, obviously. Would've been better if it were only you and Jiminshi, huh? You would've preferred that instead," San said, playfully jealous, as he made fun of the way Wooyoung named Jimin when he was performing.

Wooyoung pouted when he saw San also pouting, "aw, come on. Cheer up, baby. I can still save this date."

Wooyoung's words intrigued San, as he lifted his head, looking at him with a look of wonder. "How?"

"It's still early, I can make it right." Wooyoung said, proudly showing off his bright smile.

San looked at him skeptical, before he realized something. "Did you just quote a song title? Twice?!"

Wooyoung shied away, "maybe." He shrugged, and that caused San to smack his chest. "Guess it's in my blood," his smile could only described that of pride.

"Stop that!" San hit his arm again, still playfully, but his tone was somewhat threatening; not that Wooyoung cared.

"Sorry," Wooyoung said, but seemed insincere, insinuating something else.

San stomped on his foot, "okay. That's it! I'm leaving." San started walking away, making Wooyoung panic.

"No, no! Sannie, please. Sannie, Sannie, please. I promise I'll stop." He exclaimed quickly, holding onto San's arm.

Hearing Wooyoung beg made San laugh out loud, as he joined their arms together, before deciding to walk with him to the car. "You better," he laughed more when Wooyoung pouted, knowing San won. San booked his nose, and then they made their way back to San's apartment, since they were exhausted, and wanted to spend quality time in each other's arms.


a/n: happy belated bday to our beloved maknaeee💗 glad i share a bday month with you🥰 anyways hope u enjoy this chap lovies mwah💕

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