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Yeosang felt Wooyoung's leg bounce in anticipation, making him feel just as giddy too. A little while later, Hongjoong parked his car in his packed parking lot.

"Wow, there sure are a lot of people here," Yeosang murmured in awe.

"Didn't you say it was a small gathering, Joong," Wooyoung nervously chuckled.

"Yeah, it was meant to be," Hongjoong said skeptically, but soon shrugged it off. "I guess they just came in separate cars?"

Wooyoung and Yeosang nodded, and made their way to the door, as Hongjoong slipped the key in the lock, clicking the door open seconds later.

It was silent.

Hongjoong clapped his hands two times, and the room illuminated itself with light. Wooyoung and Yeosang looked around at the glittering decor that decorated the room, before they were started by the sound of confetti poppers, and loud shouts and claps.

To say Wooyoung was shocked at the amount of people that stood in Hongjoong's home right now would be an understatement. Everyone in this room meant something very special to him, and he couldn't believe they were all here.

He could've cried at that moment, but instead he jumped at the first person he saw, and so did Yeosang. "Junnie! I didn't think I'd see you until next week," Wooyoung exclaimed, hugging the taller male.

Yeonjun ruffled his head adoringly, "I couldn't slip past the moment," he winked, before linking his arms with the younger, smiling brightly.

Yeosang was wrapped up in the comforting arms of his good friend, Soobin. "Binnie, I missed you so much! It's been so long since I've seen you," Yeosang beamed as he parted from the latter's arms.

"I know, that's why I had to come to see you today. I missed you too much." Smiling at each other, their moment was interrupted when Wooyoung flung himself onto the taller. Soobin reacting quickly, wrapped a protective arm around the smaller.

"Hi bunny boy," Wooyoung smiled cheekily.

"Never letting go of that, huh?" Soobin sighed, while Yeonjun laughed from beside him, draping his arm over his boyfriend.

"Never," Wooyoung grinned. After their little interaction, Wooyoung and Yeosang decided to continue greeting the rest, since everyone deserved a turn.

After a few more rounds of people, Wooyoung reached his other best friend, Changbin, along with all of the Stray Kids members.

"Wait- Binnie hyung? I didn't think you'd be back in Korea before I was." He said, as he hugged his short friend.

Changbin laughed, then responded. "Decided against telling you, so that we could surprise you. And look, everyone is here this time." Wooyoung's smile only grew from there.

Immediately, he hugged and conversed with the members of Stray Kids. He missed them a lot, and they got along well. Promising he'd be back, he decided to go over and continue greeting people before he stopped right in front of his newer friends.

"Yunho! Hi, I know I saw a couple hours ago, but I missed you," Wooyoung grinned when he was swarmed in the comforting arms of Yunho.

"Me too, hoe. Me too," Yunho smiled down at him, before talking again. "Also, I didn't know Stray freaking Kids was gonna be here! I would've dressed better!" Yunho whined, and winced a little when Mingi flicked the back of his head.

"You look great, Yunnie," Mingi hissed, in slight jealousy.

"Mingi!" Wooyoung plunged himself in the arms of the giant, wrapping his legs around his waist. Mingi wasted no time before he spun him in the air, just how he liked it. A loud laugh could be heard from Wooyoung as he was placed on the ground.

Now it was Yunho's turn to pout in jealousy. He turned his face away from Mingi, and gave him the silent treatment. After a little conversation with Wooyoung, Mingi attempted wrapping an arm around Yunho's waist, only for his hand to slapped away. He looked at Yunho confused, before he saw the adorable pout on his lips.

"Aw, baby, are you jealous?" Mingi said cockily.

Yunho huffed, "...no." He lied, unsuccessfully.

"Then why won't you look at me," Mingi asked, softer this time.

"You don't deserve it."

"Do you want me to make it up for you?" Mingi asked, voice laced in mischief.

"W-what are you gonna do?" Yunho looked up at him with wide, puppy eyes.

Mingi looked him up and down, before smirking to himself. "I think I know," he said as he dragged Yunho to a nearby bathroom to treat his boyfriend to a blowjob, not giving them a chance to say bye to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung sighed, then turned around to find Yeosang making out with his boyfriend. Visibly gagging, Wooyoung looked around, and spotted a lone, confused looking San, by the punch table.

He then made his way to the handsome looking man, who was too lost in the mind to notice Wooyoung's approach.


a/n: ik there is a lack of 'instagram' chapters but they'll be back soon😃 ...i hope💀

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