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A squeak was heard when San felt arms wrap around his torso, panic overtaking him. He tried to fight off the hands, before he heard a whisper in his ear, calming him down immensely.

"Calm down, it's only me," Wooyoung whispered, and noticed the change in San's posture. As the older relaxed and leaned into the younger's arms.

Sighing, San mumbled, "y-you scared me."

"I'm sorry, darling." Those words slipped out his mouth before he could think of what he just said. He felt the older tense up in his arms for a moment, before he went back to his original state. "Um, s-sorry I-I-"

"Don't worry about it, Woo. I quite liked it." San smirked slightly as he turned in the younger's arms, now facing him. Wooyoung was shocked, as he started spurting out incoherent words. "Woah, woah. I was kidding, relax." San said comfortingly, yet it didn't give Wooyoung that much comfort, as he liked what the older said.

Calming down, Wooyoung tried to breathe again. "S-sorry bout that. Don't know what took over me."

San smiled, "it's okay, Woo. As long as you're okay now." Wooyoung smiled back, before they returned to small talk.

A figure then came up to the two, making them turn to him. "Hi, Woo!" Seonghwa gave him a pretty smile, before continuing. "Is it okay if I steal San from you for just a second?"

Both males lost their smiled after that sentence was spoken, but composed themselves quickly. "Yeah, of course. He's all yours," Wooyoung said, as he stepped aside, leaving the two best friends alone.

San smiled as he waved goodbye to Wooyoung, before turning to his best friend with a scowl. "What do you want now, fool?"

Seonghwa was taken aback, "hey, hey, hey! Weren't you just smiling?"

San smirked, "duality, I guess."

The older rolled his eyes, "anyways, I have tea."

San's ears instantly perked up, liking the sound of that. "Spill," he demanded.

Seonghwa shook his head, "not with that attitude."

San whined, "hyung~ Please, I'll behave." San put on his best pouty face, winning Seonghwa over.

"Fine, but listen well. I'm not repeating," he said sternly. San simply just nodded, a sign for Seonghwa to begin. "You know Hongjoong right?"

"Yeah, obviously," San rolled his eyes, motioning for the older to continue.

"You know what, nevermind." Seonghwa said as he turned around to leave. San reacted quickly, as he held on to his arm, and turned the older back to face him.

"I'm sorry, hyung! I promise I'll listen this time."

"You better," he said uninterested.

There Seonghwa was talking and talking about how Hongjoong's touch made shivers run down his spine. Now, you may be wondering how they even interacted, and well San wouldn't really know, as he was too focused on something else.

"So, as he was handing me the glass, he-" Seonghwa stopped his ramble, and glanced at San, whose eyes were no where near meeting his. "Are you even listening, San?"

San snapped his head back to Seonghwa, "yeah, obviously."

Seonghwa didn't seem convinced, "then what did I just say?"

"Uhm, Hongjoong has a nice ass?"

"Wha— No! See, you weren't listening. What were you doing then?" Seonghwa stared him deep in the eyes.

San trembled slightly, before telling him the truth. "Honestly, I'm kind of confused."

Seonghwa furrowed his brows in confusion, "why?"

"Look around, Hwa. Why are there people from our university here too? Like Yeonjun, Soobin, and the lot. How do they know these people?"

Seonghwa scanned the room, "I'm not sure, we never really talked to them. But they seem to be really close to Woo over there." Seonghwa said smugly, as he watched San's brows frown, his mouth agape.

"They really do, don't they?" San mumbled, but was ignored by the older as he took a cup, and headed towards the kitchen, while San stood in his place, filling in his cup, ready to sulk all evening long.

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