Chapter 32: Perfect Timing

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She slept fitfully and awoke a couple hours after dawn. Miserable. She lay in her bed on her side. And her gaze wandered the room until it fell on the silk canvas which she'd spent yesterday afternoon painting.

Suddenly, the events of the day rolled over her again. And she realized that hearing that Seon Woo had been run through by a sword must have triggered all sorts of horrendous memories in Dan Se's mind. Then he had spent the entire afternoon waiting for his friend to awake. Probably terrified that he wouldn't. Was it really that extraordinary that the man had drowned those sorrowful fears in drink?

The problem was that she could not be married to a man who would do such things. No, it was more than that. She couldn't be in love with a man who used his pain as an excuse to drink. If there was one thing that Mi Sook knew about herself, it was that she couldn't go down that road. Nor could she expose an innocent child to a father like that.

Which really wasn't a problem, now was it? Dan Se had already admitted that he had no desire for children. And she had no knowledge of how to prevent such a precious life from entering her womb should she ever become intimate with her husband. So she was left with only one option. To push him as far away from her as possible.

But as her gaze slid over that forest of pines, tears began to flood her eyes. Because that painting was a perfect representation of what Dan Se had come to mean to her in the last few days. A sweet-smelling refuge. However, last night had greatly disturbed that image.

Still, it lingered.

She closed her eyes and inhaled. And this time her memory supplied the scent. Pure pine. Crisp, clean, and refreshing. Dan Se had been those things to her. Entering her life to rescue her from her father. And when he had failed the first time, he returned. This time, to punish her father for touching her.

She also recalled the times that Dan Se had spent slathering the healing balm on her bruised back. And making sure that she ate. And reminiscing over his brother with her. She might not know him well, but she was fairly certain that Dan Se was a truly good man. He surely had a conscience and a heart.

And he loved her. Didn't he?

A knock sounded, interrupting her reverie.

She reached up hurriedly to wipe away the tears that had slipped down her cheeks. "Yes?"

A strong, feminine voice sounded. "Mi Sook? It's me. Jung Sook. May I come in?"

How did the woman always arrive when she needed her?

"Yes. Please. Come in."

Jung Sook took one look at her friend and shut the door. "When's the last time anyone put cream on your back?"

Mi Sook cringed. Her friend had caught her. "Um. It was a few hours ago."

"Liar. It was early yesterday, wasn't it?"

The older girl sighed. "How did you know?"

"Does it matter? Roll over. Let me help you."

Mi Sook did as she was bid. But as her friend slathered the cream on her aching back, she suddenly experienced an epiphany. "Jung Sook, how do you always know when to appear? You have this eerie ability to arrive just when I need you most."

" do you suppose that's possible?" the young teacher queried.

Mi Sook gasped. "You mean?"

But Jung Sook knew when to hold her tongue.

"Dan Se sent for you?"

Jung Sook grunted.

The Kinsman: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #5Where stories live. Discover now