Chapter 30: The Colors of His Scent

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Mi Sook stared down at the colorful jars of powder on her easel tray. She wanted to paint something. For him. But...she wanted it to be beautiful.

Perhaps, she should practice on parchment first. She stared longingly down at one of the scrolls as she unrolled it. It had been so long since she had indulged in sketching. She felt her heart rate pick up speed just thinking about enjoying it again.

And she privately blessed Dan Se for his thoughtfulness. And Jung Sook for drawing out her secret.

Frustrated that she still hurt too much to sit, Mi Sook picked up the quill, the block of ink, and its little white well before heading for her bed. Thankful that she still had some water in her glass. She spread the scroll out on her bed and dragged the chair all the way up flush with the side of her bed. Then she prepared the ink and set its well down on the seat of that chair before lying down in bed and picking up the quill again.

She was going to get in a bit of sketching before her husband returned.


Dan Se greeted his friend in the hallway. "Yeo Wool! What's going on? Why are you here?" He furrowed his brow as he noticed the troubled frown on his friend's usually placid face.

"It's Seon Woo," Yeo Wool asserted. He took a deep breath. "There's been an accident."

Instantly on alert, Dan Se queried, "What kind of accident?"

"He was fencing with Ban Ryu. His blade slipped, and it pierced Seon Woo. But it only happened because Seon Woo passed out."

"Where?" Fear was creeping along his nerves now. His eyes delved the depths of his friend's. "How bad is it?"

"The cut isn't bad. He just nicked his shoulder," he breathed. "But...he hasn't regained consciousness."

"I'm coming with you." Dan Se glanced back towards his wife's bedroom. Should he tell her?

He acknowledged then that he kept leaving her. Without a word of comfort.

"Hold on a moment." He rushed back into her bedroom. And found her settling herself in bed with a parchment spread out in front of her.

He smiled. "I'm glad to see that I'm already occupying you," he murmured as he approached her swiftly. "I have to leave. Seon Woo passed out. He has not awoken. I must go be with him."

Alarmed, she rolled to her side, completely unaware that her robe had fallen open and slipped down to give him a very revealing peek at her assets. But for a momentary glimpse, his gaze riveted to hers. "I don't know when I will return."

"It's all right. Go take care of your friend. I'll be fine here."

He wanted to kiss her. But he didn't feel like the breach between them had been completely mended, so he simply bowed to her before disappearing through the doorway again.

Leaving behind a concerned Mi Sook. And a sighing wife.


She spent the afternoon sketching a beautiful scene. And discovered that the gift which she'd once possessed had not evaporated during the years when she had not put it to use. She waited patiently for Dan Se to return, but he did not. So the hours passed while she put pen to parchment in an attempt to sketch his magnificent eyes. She wanted to get them just right.

But she was having great difficulty. So she switched to a nature scene instead. And discovered that it was much easier to capture a tree than a man.


Though both Ah Ro and Dan Se sat with Seon Woo all afternoon, he did not awaken.

"Ah Ro, do you have any idea why he's still asleep?" Dan Se asked, troubled.

The Kinsman: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #5Where stories live. Discover now