Chapter 25: A Healing Balm

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A few moments later, Dan Se slipped into his room. He didn't bother to light a lamp. He knew his way to the bed. So he slipped out of his robes and his shirt. Then he climbed into his bed. Thoroughly exhausted. He lay down and fell almost instantly asleep. But nature called to him an hour later. Thanks to that alcoholic drink. This was one reason that he usually disdained such an offering. But tonight, he'd been too depressed to refuse his father's gift when he'd set the glass before him.

As his eyes fluttered open in the darkness, he suddenly discerned an odd warmth coming from his left side. A moment later, he heard a strange sound emanating from the same direction. A deep moan. From someone in agony. He lay perfectly still.

Another moan sounded.

He turned toward the sound. And reached out with his fingers. And brushed up against a soft hip.

Then he realized his error.

Mi Sook!

She had told him that she wished to sleep in this bed tonight. But hadn't he offered to take this room and leave her his old one? The one to which she had become accustomed during the last three weeks?

So...what was she doing in his bed?

He must have misunderstood her. Or she had misunderstood him!

Either way, he was in the wrong bed. He made a move towards the edge of the bed, but then another groan slipped from her lips. And he stopped. Hearing her in such agony tugged at his heart. Horribly.

He couldn't just leave her here miserable. And alone.

What kind of a husband would he be if he left her to her own devices when she was clearly so miserable?

But nature was more insistent now.

He slipped from the bed and headed for the door between the rooms. Once he'd entered that room, he shut the door soundlessly yet firmly, lit the lamp, and relieved himself. Then he returned to her.

"Mi Sook?" he whispered into the darkness. "Can I do something to help you?"

This time she whimpered.

He sat down on the edge of the bed. "Darling, please tell me what I can do," he breathed softly as he bent over her.

"The cream," she murmured groggily. "Jung Sook brought me some cream. Can you put it on my back?"

She was barely awake. She'd been drifting in and out of dreams all night long. She'd awoken in agony a moment ago. And her first thought had been of that cooling cream that her new friend had slathered on her back earlier today.

So when the kind voice had prompted her, she'd had a ready answer.

"Where is it?" that sweet voice breathed again.

Where was it?

Oh, yes! She'd left it on the side table in her room.

"Next to the bed."

He reached out to feel for it on his side table. But he found no jar. Then he realized that she must have left it in the other room.

"Can you take off your shirt while I get it?" he whispered.

She grunted in reply. He went in search of her cream and returned a moment later with the lit lamp in his hand to find her lying on her tummy. The sheet drawn up over her shoulders. Her face turned away from him.

Had she fallen asleep again before she could remove her shirt?

He frowned. That would make this more difficult.

He slid between the sheets after setting the lamp on his side table. And felt his pulse beginning to race. Why? Seeing her without her shirt on wasn't going to be that intimidating. He'd already lifted it up to examine her back once.

He drew the sheet away from her shoulders. And nearly gasped in shock when he uncovered her naked back. And the hundred bruises that had begun to color it in shades of blue and purple. He felt sick to his stomach as he perused that precious back.

"Oh, Mi Sook," he breathed in sorrow. He swallowed and dipped his fingers into the jar of cream. Then, very gingerly, he reached out to touch her back. Despite his care, she flinched. And he immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

"It's all right," she answered that sweet, wispy voice.

He began to rub the cream softly into her skin. She grunted a few times. Yet she endured his tender ministrations without complaining. But he was trembling the entire time.

He was also dealing with other emotions. For this was the first time that he had ever had the pleasure of sliding his fingers over her smooth skin. Unless he counted her cheeks. But this was...different. Intimate.

Had he not felt such compassion for her broken back, he would have had to tamp down on his desire. But her agony was distraction enough. Still, he reveled in the feel of her silky skin beneath his fingertips. And sighed in disappointment when he had finished covering her back with the lotion.

"There," he whispered. "We're all done."

"Thank you," she breathed.

He pulled the sheet and blanket up around her shoulders after replacing the jar of cream on the side table. He bent and blew out the lamp. Then, he remained with her until he could hear the steady inhalation and exhalation of her breathing. Not so ragged now.

She was clearly sound asleep.

With sadness tugging at his heart, he slid from his bed and headed for hers. Where he would spend a fitful night alone.

Longing to embrace her.

The Kinsman: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #5Where stories live. Discover now