Chapter 31: Dinner and the Devastation of Death

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"How is Seon Woo?" she asked him as they began to eat.

Dan Se glanced up at her after shoving a bite of rice into his mouth. He nodded his head. "He's all right."

He frowned. "I just wish we knew why he suffers from these spells. They seem to be getting worse. I'm a little concerned about him continuing as a soldier when he can't predict these things. He was really blessed not to suffer a worse injury today." He sighed in relief, completely understanding the guilt that Ban Ryu had been spared.

She furrowed her adorable brow. And he wanted to reach out and smooth those wrinkles with his thumb.

"The doctor doesn't even have a clue what's causing them?"

He shook his head. "Neither her nor her father." He used his chopsticks to grasp a piece of meat before holding it out towards her. "This is your favorite, right?"

She glanced down at it. Surprise lighting up her features. "How did you know that?"

"It's what you always chose at dinners with our fathers."

She gasped inwardly as her eyes connected with his. Dan Se had noticed the food which she preferred?

"What's my favorite color?" she quizzed him.


Her eyes widened. He was correct.

"What's my favorite...?" But she couldn't think of anything more to ask him.

"Your favorite animal is a butterfly. Just like Han Sung."

She frowned. "Are butterflies animals?"

He shrugged. "You know what I mean. I know you're also partial to bunnies."

She giggled. It was true. She'd always loved the fluffy creatures.

He laughed suddenly. "Do you remember the day that Han Sung disturbed a whole nest of baby bunnies? You two ran in opposite directions trying to catch them."

He smiled as he remembered how her hair had flown behind her and her face had lit up with wonder as she'd chased the smallest bunny. Her cheeks had flooded with bright color too. But it was her dancing eyes that he remembered most. That and her disappointment when even the tiniest rabbit had evaded her grasp. But all of those little creatures had been too fast for her and Han Sung both. His brother had returned pouting because he'd failed in his furry quest.

She stared up at him in wonder. "You remember that?" she breathed in awe.

"Of course. I remember all the times you came to visit."

"You do?"

"Mm-hmm." He nodded and grinned at her before cramming a segment of green onion into his mouth. It was quickly followed by some rice and meat.

She stopped eating to study his countenance. "You are a complete mystery to me, Dan Se," she admitted in a whisper.

He stopped chewing to catch her gaze. "Me?" he asked, floored. "I'm not so hard to understand. In fact, I imagine I'm pretty simple."

Honor had always been his motivating factor. And love. Though, if he were honest, he would have to admit that fear had also strongly controlled him as a child and as a young man. Fear of losing Han Sung had led him to make the very worst choice of his life. The one that had led to him losing his little brother.

"You have always seemed so cold to me," she murmured suddenly. " I can see that it was always just a frozen mask that you pulled over yourself to keep your true motives hidden. You had to disavow your emotions to stay safe from your grandfather's frigid treatment of you, didn't you?"

The Kinsman: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #5Where stories live. Discover now