Trap {Harry Styles fanfic}

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Prologue :

The sound of screaming girls reminds me that everything that is happening is real.

I'm speechless.

My mouth hangs open, jaw on the ground, as hundreds of fans run onto the stage.

My hands are numb.

I can't feel.

Maybe it was the loud gunshot that made me go into shock. Maybe it was the thud of Harry's body falling to the ground, hitting the floor. But either way, Harry Styles was dead. Lying on the stage, surrounded by everyone in the arena.


A sob tears through my throat. Everything is real. My knees give out as I collapse onto the ground.

I'm blinded by my tears.

I can't breathe.

Security guards rush past me, escorting terrified fans out of the arena. I look up and see the other boys, standing over Harry with the same feelings as me.




How could this happen? Why?

Niall looks up from the cruel crime scene and stares at me for a second. His eyes widen greatly before he lets out a gut-wrenching scream. He points in my direction, screaming for help.

My hands tremble as I try to keep my grip on the gun in my hand. Handcuffs lock my hands together against my back. The guards begin to drag me away but I can't keep my eyes off of the stage. The only boys left of One Direction stare at me, in complete shock at what I have done.

They are disappointed in me.

I mouth the words, "I'm sorry" to them before everything goes dark.


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