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Sacrospinous Fixation
An operation to restore support to the uterus or vaginal vault in women post hysterectomy. Through a cut in the vagina, stitches are placed into a strong ligament (sacrospinous ligament) in pelvis and then to the cervix or vaginal vault.

Salpingectomy          Removal of one or both of the Fallopian tubes

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Removal of one or both of the Fallopian tubes.

          Cancer of the connectives tissue.

Scaphoid fracture
          Break in the wrist. Symptoms: Pain @ base of thumb which is worse with use of hand

SCDS - Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome
          Rare condition caused by an abnormal thinness or incomplete closure of the bony canals in the inner ear. Causes hearing loss, sound distortion & balance problems triggered by loud noises or intercranial pressure caused by sneezing or coughing.

          A condition that can lead to pain in the back & legs. It occurs when pain travels along the sciatic nerve pathway. Starts in lower spine & travels through hip & buttock, & down back of leg into foot.

SEEG - Stereoelectroencephalography
          Recording electriencephalographic signals via depth electrodes. May be used in patients with epilepsy, not responding to medical treatments & are candidates to receive brain surgery in order to control seizures.

SFBC Strict Fluid Balance Chart

          Hole or small passage which moves/allows movement of fluid from one part of the body to another.
          Either congenital or acquired (iatrogenic) shunts, biological/mechanical

SIADH Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone Secretion 

Sickle Cell Crisis/Disease
          See pathophysiology book for more info. Sickle-shaped red blood cells climb together to blood small blood vessels carrying blood to organs, muscles & bones, obstructing flow.

Sjögrens Syndrome
          An immune disorder characterised by dry eyes & mouth. Body attacks healthy cells responsible for saliva & tear production, and often occurs with other disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

SLB - Sentinal Lymph Node Biopsy
Also SLNB.
          The Sentinal Lymph node is the first lymph node to which cancer cells are most likely to spread from a primary tumor. If positive, cancer is present in the sentinal lymph node and may have spread to other nearby lymph nodes (regional lymph nodes), & possibly even organs.

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