Part 4

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Now suited up we made our way down to the runway, I could see Ironman and his team in the distance.

"Back down Cap" Tony called out.

I stood on Steve's left and Bucky stood on his right. Steve let out a sigh and gripped his shield tightly, he rolled his shoulders and shook his head.

"You know I can't do that Tony" Steve said.

Tony let out a sigh before lifting his hands up to cup his mouth.

"UNDEROOS!" He shouted.

Steve's shield flew out of his hand, a red figure flying through the air.

"Peter" I whispered to myself.

Steve looked over to me and could see my worried expression.

Peter flipped and landed with the shield, classic superhero pose.

"Cap, captain big fan" Peter said.

Then he noticed me his stance stiffened.

"Y/n?" He questioned.

"It isn't too late to join your brother and fight for us" Tony said.

Steve locked eyes with me. I could tell he was begging for me to stay.

"I've chosen my side" I said.

I could see Peter scratch the back of his neck nervously.

"Bad decision" Tony said.

"Just let us go Tony" Steve said to his friend.

"I can't do that Steve, seriously what are you thinking. Your a war criminal now Rogers" Tony said spitefully.

"I have to do what's right" Steve sighed.

"Then that settles it" Tony said.

Tony started his thrusters and shot off into the air along with war machine and vision, the rest sprinting towards us.

We all charged towards them, ready for a fight. I charged towards Peter, I knew that if someone else went for Peter he would get seriously hurt. He might be the enemy but he's still my brother. He's still Peter.

"Peter you don't know what's going on" I shouted at my brother as I shot a web at him.

"You don't either" Peter shouted as he launched at me.

I dodged and Peter panded behind me as he breathed heavily. I swung at him and he jumped up dodging it.

"You're just a kid, you shouldn't be here" I huffed as I shot a web at his foot.

"Your only on Cap's side because you have some stupid crush on him" Peter panted as he tackled me to the ground, Steve's shield still in his hand.

Peter leapt ontop of me, I reached up and managed to grab the shield.

"Steve!" I shouted managing to catch his attention.

I managed to toss the shield towards him, the shield just skimming along the ground. Steve stomped on the shield it rebounding up for him to catch it just in time to block a blast from Tony.

"I don't want to fight you Peter" I huffed shoving him off me.

"Neither do I, but I promised Mr Stark" Peter said, he managed to sock my jaw.

"He's wrong Peter" I shouted.

"He told me you guys would say that" Peter huffed.

Peter swung another punch and I ducked down swinging my leg across the ground knocking peter off balance. I quickly webbed him to the floor.

"Stay down Peter, please" I begged him.

Peter fought against the webs.

"I'm sorry" I apologized before running towards Steve.

He threw me the shield which I caught and threw it at Ironman hitting him in the side causing him to fall back. Steve grabbed the shield back and ran with me towards the jet situated at the other end of the airport.

"We have to get to the jet" Steve said.

Bucky ran over and caught up with the two of us.

"We need a distraction" I panted.

"I have an idea but I don't know how long I can hold it so you'll need to go quick" Scott interrupted.

"Scott it's too dangerous" I said.

"I'll be fine" Scott said.

He ran out into the middle and we heard him hype himself up. Scott screamed out as he grew to an incredible size.

"Now that's a distraction" Steve said looking up at Scott who was now about 50 feet tall.

"Come on let's go" Steve said.

Bucky and I ran besides Steve sprinting towards the aircraft carrier, where we could see the quinjet.

"We're nearly there" Steve panted.

"Stop right there Captain" We heard someone shout from behind us.

We kept on running I glanced back quickly to see Black Panther chargung right behind us. He leapt into the air, claws drawn. He was going for Steve.

"Steve look out!" I shouted.

On instinct I dove towards him knocking him out of the way, T'challa narrowly missing us.

I was ontop of Steve now my chest rising and falling. My hands were pressed on his chest, my legs straddling his waist.

Steve's eyes locked with mine for a second his pupils dilating. I quickly snapped back into it and climbed off Steve shooting a web at the Panther.

"Thank you" Steve said standing up.

"Yeah don't worry about it" I replied awkwardly.

I looked over to the panther who began fighting against the webs.

"C'mon you two" Bucky said.

Steve and I turned on our heels and quickly began running after Bucky. I heard a ripping sound. Shit.

He had gotten out of the webs.

"Fuck" I shouted.

"We gotta go" Steve called out.

Just as we reached the quinjet, just as we thought we had finally reached safety, Natasha Romanoff emerged from around the corner.

"Natasha please" Steve begged.

"Your not going to stop are you" Natasha sighed.

"I can't" Steve told her.

The red head nodded and she lifted up her arm, her widow bites began to light up. Just as I thought she was about to shoot Steve she faltered her aim shooting the panther.

"Thank you" Steve thanked the red head.

"Go" She urged us on.

We all ran towards the jet climbing inside and Steve climbed into the pilots seat taking off out of the airport. We now had a birds eye view of the rest of the team getting arrested.

The police now surrounding the airport filing the rest of them into a van.

"Shit" I muttered.

"We'll get them out" Steve said.

Paper Rings - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now