Part 2

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I grabbed my suit stuffing it into my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder as I left the room. Aunt May was jn the kitchen attempting to bake some date loaf. Key word attempting.

"Are you heading back to your apartment?" May asked.

"Yeah but I'll uh be back for dinner" I lied offering her a small smile.

"I'm thinking Thai" May said.

"You know that the chefs all have a crush on you May" I chuckled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Aunt May chuckled.

I laughed and walked up to my Aunt enveloping her into a hug.

"I'll see you tonight kid" She said.

"Bye Aunt May" I replied.

I headed outside the apartment jogging down the stairs out to the sidewalk. I shut the door behind me and leant against the brick wall of the apartment block. The poluted smell of Brooklyn instantly hitting me.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and unlocked it opening up my texts with Scott.

Scott: Nearly there 🐜👍😎

I chuckled at text and placed my phone back into my back pocket as my eyes scanned the road searching for Scott's car.

A van then pulled up to the sidewalk, the door slid open.

"Heyy" Scott greeted with a smile.

"Nice ride, kidnapped any kids on your way here?" I joked.

"Haha very funny" Scott joked.

I climbed into the back of the van and took a seat as Scott shut the door.

"Spidey this is Clint" Scott pointed to the front.

"Nice to meet you" I greeted the man.

"Good to meet you too" Clint said offering me a small smile before he drove off.

Clint began driving off and I let out a sigh running my hands over my face.

"So what happened did your mom like fuck a spider or something?" Clint asked from the front.

I began laughing and shook my head no.

"No my younger brother and I were bitten by a radioactive spider" I told him.

"Yeah that definitely makes more sense" Clint chuckled focusing on the road infront of him.

"I've always wondered how you got them, Hank's folder never had any specifics" Scott commented.

"Hank has a folder on me?" I asked.

Scott nodded.

"You have your suit?" Clint asked.

"Yeah it's in the bag" I said lifting it up.

Clint nodded and turned the corner turning onto a dirt road.

We'd been driving for a few hours, traffic hadn't been exactly kind and the fact we had to drive in a shitty white van definitely wasn't helping.

"Where are we going?" I asked breaking the silence which had fallen between us.

"Avengers compound, and then to Germany" Clint answered stepping harder on the gas.

Shit, Germany. I think I'll be gone longer than I expected. I'll have to lie to Aunt May and Peter.

As if on cue my phone vibrated. I pulled it out looking at the text from Peter I had just gotten.


Shit this is not good.

"Scott look" I whispered, I tilted the screen so he could look at the screen.

"That's not good" He replied.

"No shit" I replied.

Me: what's he there for?

Peter: some scholarships or grant something like that

Lie. Peter didn't sign up for any Stark industries grant. Tony Stark is recruiting him. Recruiting my brother. He's just a kid.

"For fuck sake" I muttered stuffing my phone into my pocket.

The van jolted to a halt and Clint hopped out of the van walking around to the side door.

The door slid open, revealing the giant concrete avengers compound. The big signature Avengers 'A' illuminated.

"Follow me" Clint said.

Scott and I both nodded, I grabbed my backpack slinging it over my shoulder as I followed Clint across the grass surrounding the big industrial sized building a stark contrast. Pun intended.

We turned the corner to see a dark black jet parked on a runway.

"Holy shit" I said in awe.

"I know pretty cool right" Clint said with a smirk.

Scott smiled widely like a little kid, all excited. We both followed Clint into the quinjet.

"Can I fly it?" Scott asked excitedly.

Clint let out a laugh and shook his head climbing into the pilots seat.

"You can't even fly a jet" I told Scott.

"It doesn't look that hard, and I mean I fly with ants everyday" Scott said.

"I don't think flying a plane is the same as an insect" I chuckled.

"Your right it's most likely much more difficult" Scot said completely serious.

Clint scoffed and reached up pressing a button above him to close the entrance as Scott and I strapped ourselves in. Clint took off fast, suprising both me and Scott with the sudden speed.

"And we're off" Clint said to himself.

Off to Germany.

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