Part 3

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We arrived in Germany suprisingly fast the speed of the quinjet proving helpful. As soon as we landed Clint hid the quinjet in a forest, hiding it away from the public.

"Wait but we're heading to the airport why can't we just park it at the airport" Scott questioned.

Clint didn't answer him as he nodded his head for us to follow him.

We ended up "borrowing" a van, one Clint swore he would return. I knew that was a lie. Clint quickly drove off looking in the mirror behind him to make sure no one was following us.

"If they pull us over I'll tell them that it's for special super hero business" Scott said.

Clint nodded and drove as fast as the crappy van would let him driving towards the airport.

"The rest of the team are at the airport waiting for us, be ready to fight" Clint said.

"I'm ready" I nodded.

"You do know that once you come out of this, you'll be a felon. You're going against the government, against the law" Clint told us.

"I won't let myself be the governments bitch alright, I've thought about the accords and I'm against them" I told Clint.

Clint gave me a tight smile and nodded.

"What about you ant?" Clint questioned.

"I'm already a criminal" He shrugged.

I gave Scott a look of sympathy. After a few more minutes Scott managed to drift off to sleep.

"Real superhero material huh" Clint joked glancing back at Scott through the rearview mirror.

"Get a little coffee in him and he'll be fine" I shrugged.

Clint chuckled and adjusted his grip around the steering wheel, I could tell he was distracting himself trying not to think about the fact that he could go to prison. Or even have to spend the rest of his life on the run.

And I would to. I knew that from the start, that this decision would change my life forever. Most likely for the worse, but I have to do this. I have these powers not because I chose to have them, they were forced upon me and that isn't my fault and I'm not going to let some assholes tell me what I can and can't do with myself. So screw it.

I couldn't help but think of Aunt May though, and Peter too. I know Tony Stark visited them. Apparently for a scholarship but I know deep down that's not true. If Peter is fighting with Ironman then I'll have to fight him too.

He's only a kid. He doesn't get it, this isn't fair on him. But life isn't fair.

And Aunt May. All she's done for me and Peter and now I might not see her again. She's already lost enough I don't want to do this to her but it's too late now. I've made my decision.

It's too late to turn back.

"What's on your mind?" Clint asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"It's nothing" I told him.

"Regretting your decision?" He sighed.

I shook my head.

"Just thinking about the people I've had to leave behind" I told him.

"Me too kid, me too" Clint muttered.

We finally arrived at the airport, Clint pulling into the carpark. Clint jumped out of the van and came around to open the door for Scott and I.

"I brought help" Clint said as he opened the door.

The doors opened and none other but Captain America stood infront of me. His blonde hair was slightly messy strands of blonde sticking up in certain places. He smiled slightly at us.

I clapped infront of Scott's face jolting him awake.

"Get some caffeine in him and he'll be fine" I joked climbing out of the van.

Scott saw Steve and practically leapt out of the van he was basically fan girling at the sight of him. Granted I was too, I was nearly drooling at the sight of this perfect man infront of me. Thankfully I'm better at hiding my panic unlike Scott.

"Your Captain America wow" Scott said shaking Steve's hand.

Scott was shaking Steve's hand for a particularly long time, Steve's brows furrowed looking at Scott in confusion.

"Oh and you guys are all cool too" Scott said glancing around at the rest of the group.

The group couldn't help but smile at Scott's childhood innocence.

"You must be the spider" Steve said.

"Yeah, just call me Y/n pleasure to meet you Captain" I smiled at the man.

Steve hit his bottom lip and extended his hand for me to shake.

"Call me Steve" The man smiled.

I nodded and Steve gave my hand a small squeeze before letting go.

"Thank you" Steve said taking a step back.

I gave the blonde a small smile and his blue eyes kept fixated on mine. He cleared his throat and began speaking.

"Look, we're against the law here. I thank all of you seriously. I'm doing this for not only Bucky but for all of you" Steve said.

"There's going to be a fight, some of us will be fighting our friends, family" Steve said he averted his gaze over to Clint who was fidgeting.

"Let's suit up" Steve said

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