Part 1

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My fingers hovered above the keyboard as I contemplated what to type next.

"Can you please hurry up, I need to use the laptop" My brother pestered.

I spin around to fave my brother Peter. Peter was six years younger than me and still in high school.

"Pete I'm nearly done ok, I got to make sure that this is all good before I send it to Hank" I sighed.

I've been working with Hank Pym for about a year now, he's the only person who knows about Peter and I secret identities. In exchange for the work and help I provide him he helps us out with suits and tech. But of course Peter being the stubborn teenager he is, refuses Hank's help.

"I have homework" Peter said.

I huffed and glanced down at my watch.

"Shouldn't you already be leaving  for school?" I asked.

"I have a maths assignment due today" Peter said.

"Fine" I caved in and minimized the document.

I stood up out of the chair and stepped aside to allow Peter to do his homework.

I stood behind Peter as he worked my back against the wall. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Pulling it out of my pocket I turned on the heavily cracked screen.

"I really should get a new phone" I muttered to myself.

It was a message from Hank which was weird, usually he only emailed me. He also only messaged me if he needed something or absolutely had to. No unneeded and for him unwanted interaction.

Hank: Parker do you know anything about the stolen suit?

"Stolen suit?" I repeated to myself.

No sorry, I have no Idea.

I did have an idea actually quite a good idea of who it was but I didn't exactly feel like throwing my friend under the bus.

What suit was stolen?

My ant suit.

Oh it was definitely Scott.

Shit, that's no good
I'll let you know If I find anything out.

I stuffed my phone back in my pocket. Why on earth would Scott steal the suit? I know he's been training with Hope so he knows his way around but why?

"Y/n" Peter said.

I lifted my head up to meet Peter's gaze.

"I was just saying that I'm done with the laptop" He said.

"Oh thanks" I said giving him a small smile.

Peter walled over and grabbed his backpack from the corner of his room slinging it over his shoulder.

"I'll see you later" Peter said.

"Have a good day at school" I replied.

As soon as Peter left I shut the door behind me and pulled out my phone dialing Scotts number.

I stood in the middle of the room my foot tapping on the ground, impatiently waiting for Scott to answer.

After a few more rings he picked up.

"Hey Y/n to what do I owe this pleasure to?" Scott asked in a cheery tone.

"Scott do you want to tell me why I just got a text from Hank asking me about a missing suit?" I asked, cutting straight to the point.

Scott stayed silent on the line but I could hear voices in the background.

"Scott?" I questioned again.

"Ok but please don't tell Hank" Scott begged.

"Scott what are you doing?" I asked.

"Well the Avengers need my help, well half of them. You see Captain America and Ironman are having this right about the... Sokovia Accords I believe" Scott said.

"Yeah Sokovia accords that's it, so Hawkeye you know Hawkeye right Y/n?" He asked, Scott was talking incredibly fast.

"Yes I know Hawkeye" I said.

"Yeah he's really cool, so they asked for my help to help Captain America how cool is that!" Scott laughed.

"You stole Pym tech Scott" I sighed.

"I didn't want to but I had to ok" Scott insisted.

"Can you imagine how pissed Hank is, and what about Hope huh" I said.

"They need my help ok, and I'm sure we need your help too" Scott said.

I paused. Did he know.

"Why would you need my help?" I asked cautiously.

"Y/n I'm not that dumb ok, I know how you and Peter are the spider siblings of Queens" Scott said.

"Shit" I mumbled.

"Y/n we need your help" Scott said.

"I'm not dragging Peter into this ok" I told him.

"Look you don't have to, and I'm not asking him I'm asking you" Scott said.

I let out a huff and ran my fingers angrily over my face.

"How do I know I'm on the right side of the argument?" I asked.

"Y/n do you want to be monitored 24/7 because powers were forced upon you and with the accords hell you can't use them under government supervision. So many innocent people are going to have to pay for stuff they had no control over" Scott told me.

I let out a sigh.

"I'm in" I told him.

"Yes oh my gosh, ok I'm getting Hawkeye to pick you up outside your house, thank you Y/n thank you" Scott said with a laugh.

"No worries" I replied hanging up the call.

I collapsed onto the chair, maybe this was a bad idea. I have to though, I have to stick up for myself and for other people. I don't want to be the governments bitch.

That settles it than I'm team Cap.

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