Chapter 43 - AWOE

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The red-haired Gong Fei immediately straightened his body, looking as though he wanted to make a salute.

But logically because Gong Fei's body went tense, Bai YueSheng suffered. He was already occupied trying to straighten out his clothes, and now that he had lost his support, his leg went weak and his useless body began to fall forward.

A large hand reached out and stabilized him.

Bai YueSheng looked up and saw Gong Yi's handsome face. His heart beat loudly.

Bai YueSheng: "Lord Jiu...."

Ah Jiu: "You don't need to say anything. Even if you get aroused it's no use, if you have sex with that body you'll die.

Bai YueSheng: "........................" What was the point of even living.

This kind of charismatic man, he could only look and not eat. Bai YueSheng's heart felt cold and he thought it would be better if he had never seen him.

Gong Yi's gaze was fixed, staring at him for some time.

Gong Fei finally recovered. He saw his brother supporting this paper person and was really scared his brother wouldn't be able to control his strength and turn this paper person into shredded paper.... So he said in a warning tone, "Be careful! Yesterday night he used a lot of energy so his body is not feeling good right now. Let me hold him."

{T/N: So all the stuff Gong Fei is saying now and what he was saying before Gong Yi interrupted last chapter are all euphemisms and typical suggestive phrases for having had sex – eg. body being sore/aching etc..}

This red haired student was very innocent and what he was saying was all true.

Bai YueSheng was indeed very tired last night. He had talked with the research group members for several hours and today his body really wasn't feel good. Right now his legs felt very weak. But suddenly hearing Gong Fei's speech, the meaning was completely warped and transformed into a different meaning...

The people watching's gazes all changed. There were some shocked, some who couldn't believe it and others who were disappointed....

Bai YueSheng's head felt it was swollen to twice its size. He said, "I'm okay. It was only at the research laboratory...."

This bear child Gong Fei with a death wish immediately said, "Don't worry. When I go back I will ask them to change all the tables and chairs in the laboratory. The surfaces are much too hard. Your body can't take it."

Bai YueSheng: "............................................"

The people around them eyes grew even more astounded. If Bai YueSheng still had the ability to hear thoughts, it would probably go something like this:

"Grabbing a big stalk, can this vixen be any more shameless?"

{T/N: Big stalk as in a strong support/golden thigh etc.}

"Seducing a seventeen year old kid is one thing already, but they even got it on in the research laboratory?"

"And complaining that it was too hard! If you're looking down on the facilities in our venerated laboratory then don't do those shameless things there ah!"

Bai YueSheng really wanted to kneel down. What was wrong with this red haired kid? What was wrong with living? Why did he want to seek death so much!

Gong Fei suddenly realized something was wrong. So he added, "Big brother, give him to me. He's very delicate. If I don't hold him, then in a bit he will..."

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